Cambodia News Gazette



Commerce Minister: Food Safety, a Royal Government’s Priority

More than ever, the topic of food safety is considered by the Royal Government to be the first of the 12 imbalances that need to be addressed.

The remarks were made by Minister of Commerce H.E. Mrs. CHAM Nimul at the opening ceremony of the National Workshop on ‘Enhancing Collaboration for the Effective Implementation of the Food Control System in Cambodia,’ held at the Hyatt Regency Phnom Penh Hotel on July 23.

All ministries and institutions related to food safety and quality (from farms to eateries) are required to collaborate and exchange information to facilitate the planning and preparation of national programmes for implementation and analysis to manage potential risks across all food production chains and ensure that all food safety guidelines are carried out and publicised with the participation of all stakeholders and consumers.

The Ministry of Commerce has prepared a number of relevant laws and regulations to ensure the consistency and compliance of business operators and fulfill the obligation
s of Cambodia as a member of regional and international organisations, she said.

Those laws and regulations included the Law on Food Safety, Law on Consumer Protection, Law on E-Commerce and so on, H.E. Minister pointed out.

H.E. Mrs. CHAM Nimul expressed her hope that this national workshop will increase the understanding of all parties on food safety regulatory and policy framework through discussions and experience sharing from national and international speakers on related topics.

The National Workshop on ‘Enhancing Collaboration for the Effective Implementation of the Food Control System in Cambodia’ was co-organised by the Ministry of Commerce and the Food and Agriculture Export Alliance (FAEA) with support from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).

Source: Agence Kampuchea Presse