Cambodia News Gazette




A landslip which resulted in cracks along the East Coast Expressway Phase 1 (LPT1) from KM118.2 to KM117.8, westbound, involves the emergency lane and part of the left (slow) lane.

Malaysian Highway Authority (LLM) director-general Sazali Harun said the initial inspection found that the landslip occurred due to an embankment slope (fill slope) that collapsed where flood mitigation work was going on.

“The highway concessionaire also informed us that heavy rain has occurred for the past three days.

“To ensure the safety of highway users and the smooth flow of traffic, LLM and ANIH Berhad have decided to close the entire westbound stretch and have activated the contra flow since 4.15 pm yesterday (Sept 10),” he said.

He said as a short-term measure, the concession company has instructed the contractor to cover the affected area with canvas to control erosion.

Sazali said that settlement markers will be installed to monitor soil movement and comprehensive soil investigation activities will be carried out immediately.

He said LLM’s Eastern Regional Office, highway concessionaire, consultants and contractors have also been instructed to be on site for 24 hours to monitor the situation.

“A preliminary report on this incident has been submitted to the Works Minister (Datuk Seri Alexander Nanta Linggi) and a full report is currently being prepared,” he said.

He said that although the affected LPT1 route can still be used by all vehicles, motorists are reminded to be vigilant and obey traffic signs and if there is no urgent need, avoid using the route to avoid congestion.

Source: BERNAMA News Agency