Cambodia News Gazette




The fight against dengue must begin at home through awareness in keeping the surroundings clean and getting rid of Aedes mosquitoes breeding grounds, said Indera Kayangan assemblyman Gan Ay Ling.

Gan said Aedes mosquitoes lay their eggs in stagnant water and the most effective way to prevent dengue, especially indoors is to ensure that there are no breeding grounds for mosquitoes.

“To raise awareness and provide accurate information to the community, we at Indera Kayangan state constituency have taken the initiative to hold a gotong royong programme and social media campaign in our fight against dengue,” she told Bernama at a meet and greet session at Taman Kemajuan in conjunction with National Youth Day 2023 here today.

Earlier, the media reported that 443 dengue cases were reported in the state in the first six months of this year compared to only 16 in the corresponding period last year, which was an increase of 2,668.7 per cent.

She said dengue prevention efforts would be carried out continuously by the Indera Kayangan assemblyman office and not just when cases are on the rise.

“I hope our efforts will continue to raise public awareness,” she said adding that the Perlis Health Department and other government agencies were also assisting in the programme.

Source: BERNAMA News Agency