Cambodia News Gazette




Youth from FELDA in Johor are urged to seize business opportunities presented by the improving state economy, which is expected to continue to strengthen in the future, said Menteri Besar Datuk Onn Hafiz Ghazi.

He said this was because more and more foreigners, including from Singapore, have entered Johor in recent years due to its economic potential.

“Property prices are increasing (in Singapore), and to start a business in Johor is about 70 per cent cheaper than doing business there. Besides, the state’s tourism sector has potential.

“Not only citizens of the republic, but also those from Europe, Australia and Japan love the nature which FELDA has a lot to offer. So if you do not seize this business opportunity, I’m afraid outsiders will come and grab it from our hands.”

He said this in his speech when officiating the annual general meeting of the Felda Youth Council Malaysia (MBFM) Johor Bahru Region and the State MBFM Aid Presentation Ceremony here today.

Also present was MBFM president, who is also state MBFM chairman Muhammad Fadzli Hasan.

In this regard, Onn Hafiz hopes a meeting session can be held between MBFM and several agencies and government-linked companies in the state to discuss the matter.

Among those expected to be involved are the State Economic Planning Division (BPEN), the Iskandar Regional Development Authority (IRDA), the South East Johor Development Authority (KEJORA) and the East Coast Economic Region Development Council (ECERDC).

“Perhaps it can be done as soon as possible, and let’s also invite the MBNJ (Johor State Youth Council) so that young people in the state know the latest developments and the opportunities up for grabs. If we work together, Johor will become a developed state in 2030,” he said.

At the event, Onn Hafiz presented donations totalling RM360,000 to 72 associations under the Johor MBFM.

Source: BERNAMA News Agency