The national unity and peace are the main basis of national defence because without peace and unity, we may lose our territory and sovereignty, even our lives, warned Prime Minister Samdech Moha Borvor Thipadei Hun Manet.
At a get-together with some 1,000 Achars and Acharinis (laymen and laywomen) in Phnom Penh this morning, Samdech Thipadei Hun Manet said it is necessary to work together to strengthen national unity and solidarity.
This reaction was made after some concerns about Cambodia’s loss of territory and sovereignty in four provinces, including Stung Treng, Rattanakiri, Mondulkiri and Kratie, in the framework of Cambodia-Laos-Vietnam Development Triangle Area (CLV-DTA) cooperation have flared up.
‘I would like to say that strengthening our people’s livelihoods and development in these four northeastern provinces can defend our sovereignty well,’ he underlined.
Samdech Thipadei Prime Minister called on the public not to put the nation in danger because of unclear concerns. ‘Don’t take suspicion as
true case. […] Please don’t act in the way that can affect the national security and make our solidarity in danger,’ he added.
‘In the past, the reason that made us lose our territory and our sovereignty was because we quarrelled, so this is a very important point that we need to understand,’ the Premier stressed. ‘It is the duty of all of us to worry about our nation, about our territory, and in order to avoid the concerns about the loss of territory to become a reality, it is our duty to unite to defend the territory and the sovereignty of Cambodia. Quarrel cannot preserve Cambodian territory.’
Source: Agence Kampuchea Presse