Nationwide Campaign to Strengthen Measures against COVID-19 Pandemic Extended for One Week
The Royal Government of Cambodia (RGC) has decided to continue the nationwide campaign to strengthen the measures for combating and preventing the COVID-19 spread for one week, until Aug. 19.
The RGC explained the decision by the campaign’s effectiveness in the past 14 days in managing and delaying the larger transmission of Delta variant in the community, according to its new directive issued last evening.
All provincial and municipal authorities are advised to contain and prevent the COVID-19 spread with a proactive and responsible spirit and to continue to effectively and simultaneously take and reinforce all necessary restriction measures in conformity with the RGC’s directive on the nationwide campaign dated July 28.
On Aug. 11, Phnom Penh municipal administration announced to extend the ban of high-risk occupational and business activities and private gatherings of over 15 people for two more weeks, from Aug. 13 at 00:00 to Aug. 26, while the curfew will continue only for a week, from 10:00 pm to 3:00 am.
As of yesterday, Cambodia’s COVID-19 tally rose to 83,384, of which 12,354 have been imported and 429 have been detected with Delta variant. The pandemic has so far claimed 1,614 lives, but 77,754 have recovered.
Source: Agency Kampuchea Press