Cambodia News Gazette



Official Election Results: CPP Wins 1,648 Commune Chief, 1,618 First Deputy Chief and 261 Second Deputy Chief Positions

The ruling Cambodian People’s Party (CPP) earned in total 9,376 seats, including 1,648 commune/Sangkat chief, 1,618 first deputy chief and 261 second deputy chief positions, according to the official results of the 5th Commune/Sangkat Council Election being announced by the National Election Committee (NEC) on June 26.

The Candlelight Party came in second with 4 commune/Sangkat chiefs, 25 first deputies and 1,360 second deputies.

FUNCINPEC won 4 first deputy chief and 12 second deputy positions; the Khmer National United Party, 1 first deputy and 10 second deputy chief positions; the Grassroots Democratic Party and the Cambodian National Love Party, 2 first deputy chief and 2 second deputy chief positions each; the Cambodian Youth Party, 3 second deputy chief positions, the Kampucheaniyum Party and the Beehive Social Democratic Party 1 second deputy chief position each.

A total of 7,394,427 people went to the polls on June 5, 2022, equivalent to 80.32 percent of eligible voters, with 7,237,037 valid ballots and 157,390 invalid ballots.

In terms of total votes, the Cambodian People’s Party received 5,378,773 votes, the Candlelight Party 1,610,556 votes; the FUNCINPEC Party 9,179 votes; the Khmer National United Party 63,868 votes; the Grassroots Democratic Party 6,807 votes; the Cambodian National Love Party 33,259 votes; the Cambodian Youth Party 13,841 votes; the Kampucheaniyum Party 4,856 votes; and the Beehive Social Democratic Party 2,450 votes.

The 5th Commune/Sangkat Council Election 2022 was recognised by national and international observers as free, fair, and just in a neutral, peaceful, and non-violent environment.

Source: Agency Kampuchea Press