Cambodia News Gazette



The Processing Industry In Jingxi City, Guangxi Promoted To Drive Local Economic Growth

JINGXI, China, Recently, the first shipment of locally processed salt-baked cashews from Jingxi City, Guangxi, was exported to Kazakhstan, marking a new breakthrough for the city’s processing industry.

In recent years, Jingxi City has accelerated the implementation of a development model combining “border trading + local processing”, processing imported raw materials in the Border Economic Industrial Park of Jingxi City, and then selling the finished products to domestic and international markets. To promote the development of the local processing industry, Jingxi City has leveraged the advantages of border trade in the border areas, continuously advancing the construction of the Longbang Port, improving the soft and hard infrastructure of the border trading venue, and building a comprehensive “one platform and three markets” system. This has simplified and standardized the border trade process, effectively promoting the transformation of Longbang Port from a passage economy to a port economy, creating a fa
vorable environment for local processing enterprises.