SEPANG, The Transport Ministry has urged owners of goods vehicles to immediately register their vehicles under the Subsidised Diesel Control System (SKDS) 2.0 to enjoy diesel subsidies from the government.

Minister Anthony Loke said the government has given them opportunities to register their vehicles.

“If they fall into any of the categories under SKDS 2.0, they should register to receive the subsidy. Otherwise, they will blame the government, claiming we didn’t provide the subsidy and prices will increase.

“So, it is their responsibility to come forward and register. The diesel price remains unchanged for those holding the SKDS 2.0 fleet card, so I hope they can cooperate,” he told the media after attending a Memorandum of Understanding signing ceremony between Batik Air and Kia here today.

Loke was responding to media questions regarding Deputy Minister of Domestic Trade and Cost of Living Fuziah Salleh’s statement that more than 180,000 goods vehicles have yet to register under SKDS 2.0 to be eligib
le for government diesel subsidies.

On another matter, Loke said the ministry would appoint a vendor for electric vehicle number plates.

‘Now we are still doing some technical finalisation. Once we are ready we will make the announcement.

‘It’s a special plate. We will start it voluntarily. Of course, for all the new EVs we will make it compulsory but the existing EVs are given the option whether to change it to the particular plate or stay,’ he said.

Before this, Loke was reported as saying that the new number plates would facilitate the identification of EVs in case of an accident as they need to be handled differently.

Source: BERNAMA News Agency


KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia is set to host the World Federation of Haemophilia (WFH) Congress in 2026, an event expected to attract 4,500 delegates from over 130 countries.

Chief Executive Officer of the Malaysia Convention and Exhibition Bureau (MyCEB), Azman Tambi Chik, expressed the team’s honour and excitement in welcoming the WFH Congress to Malaysia.

‘This event will not only foster global collaboration in haemophilia care but also highlight Malaysia’s capabilities as a premier destination for international conferences,’ he said in a statement.

Originally planned for 2020 but postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the congress is scheduled to take place at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre from April 19 to 22, 2026.

‘The postponement was necessary for the safety of all involved. It also underscored the importance of health-focused events in gathering world experts for breakthrough discoveries and innovative solutions,’ Azman explained.

He further said that the WFH Congress convenes not only medical e
xperts, researchers, and scientists but also patients, providing them with firsthand information about the latest developments in haemophilia care.

Azman added that the success of the WFH Congress held in Spain this year, which attracted over 3,000 delegates from 135 countries, sets a promising precedent for Malaysia, with the 2026 Congress expected to have an economic impact of RM112 million, including RM47.9 million from visitor expenditure.

Source: BERNAMA News Agency


KUALA LUMPUR, A total of 18 senior and junior police officers departed for South Sudan at midnight to join the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) for a year.

The Royal Malaysian Police management department posted on Facebook stating that the delegation was led by G18 Group Contingent Chief ACP Loi Poo Lang and assisted by contingent deputy chief Supt Mohamad Pouzi Abd Rouf.

Bukit Aman deputy director of management (services/personnel) DCP Ab Rahaman Arsad represented Bukit Aman director of management Datuk Seri Azmi Abu Kassim during the send off ceremony at Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) Terminal 1.

During his brief speech, Ab Rahaman reminded those joining the mission in South Sudan to be mindful of the religions, customs and culture there and to abide by the rules and laws set in the country.

The Malaysian delegation includes ASP Fairus Md Dawe, ASP S. Manivannan, ASP Harminder Singh Pritam Singh, Insp Liza George Mokunjil, Insp Nor Azlina Shahrul Zaman, Insp Tay Swee Boon, Sub
Insp (SI) Gan Lai Ling, SI Jimmy Jaih, SI Emmanuel Stephens, SI Shawal Shariff, Sergeant Major (SM) Mohd Hafizzuddin Augustin Abdullah, SM Muhammad Ibrahim Salimy Shohimi, Sgt Sarihati Awang Akhbar, Sgt Jim Chin, Sgt Albert Legan and Sgt Mohamad Marjida Mahari.

The PDRM’s active involvement in UN peacekeeping missions began with a contingent of 14 police officials to Angola in 1991, followed by Darfur in 2008 and UNMISS since 2011, and is subject to the UN’s requests.

PDRM’s role in the mission is as Individual Police Officers (IPOs), when assignments are based on the concept of traditional approach policing focused on renewal, rebuilding and restructuring in efforts to maintain security and public order.

IPOs also play the role of tackling various issues, including human rights, international monitoring, community policing, cultural and social awareness, teaching and guidance.

Source: BERNAMA News Agency


SEPANG, The Natural Resources and Environmental Sustainability Ministry (NRES) became the first government body to participate in the Malaysia Aviation Group (MAG) Corporate Carbon Programme.

Minister Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad said the move was part of the ministry’s commitment to offset its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from official travel.

Believing in leading by example, Nik Nazmi said this approach was one of many ways to promote sustainability and inspire others to promote sustainability.

Nik Nazmi said he would also promote the MAG Corporate Carbon Programme to other ministries, through the Cabinet and the National Decarbonisation Committee which he chairs, so that they too would join the programme towards a more sustainable future, especially for aviation in Malaysia.

‘If we can’t do it at every ministry at least a few ministries…that are critical towards decarbonisation and green journey,’ he told a press conference after launching MAG Sustainability Report 2023 in conjunction with its inaugural Su
stainability Day, here today.

Also present MAG’s Group Managing Director Datuk Captain Izham Ismail.

Nik Nazmi said the MAG Corporate Carbon Programme launched last March in partnership with Petronas Dagangan Bhd (PDB) to establish a commercial-scale sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) production facility, demonstrate Malaysia’s commitment to reducing carbon emissions and position the country as a leader in sustainable aviation practices regionally and globally.

He said MAG’s efforts also supported the country’s aspirations to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050, which was affirmed at the National Climate Change Action Council (MTPIN) chaired by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim on June 14.

NRES also applauded MAG’s continued efforts in driving change, innovation and advancing sustainable practices in Malaysia to safeguard the environment and ensure the long-term viability of the aviation sector.

Meanwhile, Izham said MAG is set to participate in the International Air Transport Association (IATA)
SAF Registry, which would authoritatively account for and report emissions reductions from SAF to accelerate the uptake of SAF.

‘Expected to launch in the first quarter of 2025, the registry will help relevant authorities validate and approve emission reduction claims swiftly, ensuring alignment with international standards set by the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO),’ he said.

On the sustainability report, Izham said it was MAG’s third iteration highlighting key achievements the group had undertaken throughout the year, showcasing contributions to environmental, social, and governance (ESG) initiatives.

He said the highlights include 34 per cent female participation in its total workforce, with 50 per cent female representation in senior management.

The report also highlights 17 per cent of annual energy consumption from renewable sources; the replacement of over 4.5 million units of single-use plastics with biodegradable materials; and the adoption of the latest ground operation technolo
gy by operating fully electrical pushback utilising the Mototok Spacer 8600NG which is operated by MAG’s ground handling arm, AeroDarat Services.

Izham said the voluntary carbon offset programme in Malaysia would be made available to cargo clients expected in September this year, underscoring MAG’s commitment to expanding its project portfolio to include more national carbon projects as well as further investing in sustainable initiatives within local communities.

Last year, MAG pioneered the voluntary carbon offset programme in Malaysia that allows Malaysia Airlines passengers to offset the emissions associated with their flights by supporting verified carbon projects.

In March this year, the programme was extended to its corporate customers.

Source: BERNAMA News Agency


KUALA LUMPUR, Finance Minister II Datuk Seri Amir Hamzah Azizan said the diesel subsidy rationalisation programme has produced an encouraging impact and is progressing as planned.

He told the Dewan Rakyat today that this is based on the trend of increasing commercial diesel sales, a positive sign that the leakage of subsidised diesel has decreased.

“For everyone’s information, following the implementation of targeted diesel subsidies, records show that the volume of retail diesel sales at petrol stations has decreased by nearly eight million litres per day or 30 per cent in the first week after the announcement of the diesel price float compared to the week before.

“During the same period, commercial diesel sales increased by four million litres per day, signalling that some of the subsidised retail diesel consumed previously was used by the industrial sector, which should be purchasing diesel at market prices,” he said during the Minister’s Information Session on the Implementation of Diesel Subsidy Rati

He said according to information received from one of the oil companies, diesel sales at the border showed a 40 per cent decrease.

“This confirms that there were indeed diesel smuggling activities to our neighbouring countries,” he said, adding that enforcement agencies are actively collaborating and organising various operations to curb smuggling.

These bodies are responsible for curbing any elements that threaten the stability of the supply of goods and services and preventing profiteering in the market.

He said the Domestic Trade and Cost of Living Ministry launched Ops Tiris on March 1, 2023 to curb siphoning activities involving subsidised diesel.

Last year, 877 cases were handled under Ops Tiris 1.0 and 2.0 involving the seizure of approximately 6.4 million litres of diesel with an estimated value of over RM14.2 million.

These seizures included assets and equipment such as vehicles, hoses and diesel oil suction devices worth about RM42.1 million.

These operations resulted in the arre
st of 667 individuals suspected of being involved in the misappropriation and leakage of national subsidies, he said.

He said that on Jan 1, 2024, the operations continued under the Ops Tiris 3.0 framework, and as of June 22, a total of 570 cases had been handled involving the seizure of more than 5.1 million litres of diesel worth almost RM12 million and assets and equipment worth RM46 million, as well as the arrest of 275 individuals.

Source: BERNAMA News Agency