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ASEAN Discusses Plan to Reopen Regional Tourism

The 54th ASEAN National Tourism Organisations (NTOs) meeting discussed a plan to push through the reopening of regional tourism, according to the Ministry of Tourism.
The discussion took place yesterday through a video conference with the participation of senior tourism officials from all ASEAN member countries.
H.E. Thong Rathasak, Director General of the Ministry of Tourism’s Tourism Development and International Cooperation General Department, chaired the virtual meeting.
The meeting also focused on ASEAN Tourism Marketing Strategy 2021-2025, Master Plan on ASEAN Connectivity 2025 for the implementation of the Enhanced ASEAN Tourism Digital Platforms.
Moreover, it covered the guidelines on hygiene and safety for workers and communities in the tourism industry, policy and recommendations for tourism recovery after COVID-19, and the action plans on Phnom Penh Statement on a More Sustainable, Inclusive and Resilient ASEAN tourism.
The meeting was followed by two other meetings: the ASEAN+3 National Senior Tourism Officials Meeting and the ASEAN+3+India National Senior Tourism Officials Meeting, which will also be held virtually on July 8.

Source: Agency Kampuchea Press