ASEF Young Leaders Summit: Pathway for Cambodian Youth’s Contribution

The 4th Asia-Europe Foundation Young Leaders Summit to be hosted by Cambodia on Nov. 22 will serve as a pathway for Cambodian youth to demonstrate their capacity and learn from their international peers.
The optimism was shared with AKP by H.E. Sok Soken, Secretary of State at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Vice President of National Secretariat for Organising the 13th Asia-Europe Summit (ASEM13) and Head of Inter-ministerial Working Group for Organising the 4th ASEF Young Leaders Summit, and some youth representatives.
The summit is a special opportunity for Cambodian youth to contribute their potentials, as Cambodia’s such resource is getting more and more competitive regionally and internationally, he stressed.
Mr. Tith Chandara, a youth focal point, was very confident that Cambodian youth will represent the country equally to their international peers.
Ms. Tea Kalyan echoed the confidence while encouraging Cambodian youth to continue staying focused and well major their interest, skill and expertise to get ready to share with the rest of the world.
Mr. Vuthy Vong Moneaksika underlined the essential of regional and international participation as a tool for the youth to contribute to the national and world development.
H.E. Sok Soken added that a Cambodian youth will be among youth representatives from other Asian countries and Europe to read the summit’s statement.
The 4th Asia-Europe Foundation Young Leaders Summit is a side event of the ASEM13 to be hosted by Cambodia on Nov. 25-26 this year.
Other side events of the ASEM13 include Asia-Europe Forum on Women, Peace and Security, the Asia-Europe Cultural Festival, the 1st Asia-Europe Economic and Business Forum (AEEBF1), the 11th Asia-Europe Parliamentary Partnership Meeting, and the 10th ASEF Editors’ Roundtable (ASEFERT10).

Source: Agency Kampuchea Press

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