Cambodia News Gazette




TUARAN, The enduring tradition of betitik, a rich heritage of folk music performed during various ceremonies, notably weddings, continues to transcend generations within the Bajau Samah ethnic community, and captivating the interest of communities beyond.

Capturing the spotlight within the Bajau Samah community, including Chief Minister Datuk Seri Hajiji Noor, this tradition has withstood the test of time, resonating in villages and towns, and even took centre stage in prestigious events like the state-level Betitik Competition held in Sabah last month.

The ensemble of musical instruments typically played in the betitik such as drums, gongs, bebandil (a type of gong), and kulintangan (similar to gamelan) produce a rhythmic melody symbolising harmony and unity.

Pantai Dalit assemblyman, Datuk Jasnih Daya, who belongs to the Bajau Samah ethnic group, explained that the betitik was originally played to inform villagers about upcoming festivities at a particular house, and typically a month or a week before t
he event.

“In the modern era, it’s easy for us to communicate through the phone, social media, invitations, etc. But in the past, word of mouth and betitik served as the announcement to invite people for celebrations,” he remarked.

“I have fond childhood memories of betitik when my house was always a focal point. With a large family, sometimes we had two or three weddings a year, and there were other events, so we frequently played betitik,” he told Bernama.

Jasnih shared that what makes the betitik tradition interesting is its diversity of rhythm and songs, varying in terms of fast or slow tempo and adapting to the specific celebrations.

“There are also differences based on the regions we come from; for example, I’m from Tuaran, and the rhythm and songs of our betitik differ from those of our friends from Putatan or Kota Belud,” he elaborated.

He expressed gratitude that the betitik tradition is now recognised and popular among the younger generations of Bajau Samah, and that it has also gained interest
from other ethnic groups in Sabah, such as the Kadazan, Dusun, and Rungus.

Harun Kamaruddin, the manager of the Gema Bertingkah group, which emerged as the champion in the state-level Betitik Competition on Feb 27, stated that the group practised for nearly a month leading up to the competition.

The members of the group are mainly teenagers and individuals in their early twenties, some of whom are Harun’s grandchildren, whom he has been teaching betitik since they were seven years old, and their friends from Putatan.

What adds an interesting dimension to the story is that Harun, aged 66, originally hails from Negeri Sembilan, met his Bajau Samah wife after being transferred to the state in 1980, and subsequently ‘fell in love’ with betitik.

“In Negeri Sembilan, I was actively involved in the cak lempong tradition of the Seri Minang group, which is similar to betitik. So, the transition was quite easy,” he explained.

Muhamad Nabil Mohamat, 34, a kulintangan player from the D Derumpun group in Petagas, rev
ealed that he did not have any formal training to play the betitik musical instruments.

“Since young, I’ve been interested in watching the older generations play them. My grandmother, for example, played the kulintangan, and I would sit beside her, watching. In my teens, I recorded their music and used it to practise,” he explained.

‘My late mother gave me money to buy a set of kulintangan, and I received strong support from my family to carry on the betitik tradition,” said the player who was honoured as the best kulintangan player at the state-level Betitik Competition in Sabah.

He expressed hope about developing betitik as a tourist attraction not only for Sabah but also for Malaysia, and conveyed his gratitude for the commendable efforts made by Hajiji and the state government in safeguarding the rich traditions of the Bajau Samah community.

Bernama reporter Nur Adika Bujang, 46, also a Bajau Samah from Sandakan, shared many fond childhood memories of witnessing the betitik tradition, recounting drumm
ing to the beat of the music on jerrycans, with friends.

“We beat the jerrycan to the rhythm until it was completely dented. Despite our lack of expertise, the older generation allowed us to play the kulintangan. No matter how it’s played, the kulintangan maintains its distinct melody,” she remarked, expressing optimism that the vibrancy of the betitik tradition will persist and be embraced by all Malaysians.

Source: BERNAMA News Agency