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Minister: Information Can Develop or Harm a Society

Media and information have a vital role and it can either push the development or create chaos in a society, said Minister of Information H.E. Khieu Kanharith.
The minister made the reminders to about 100 participating media practitioners, lecturers and experts when addressing the opening of a workshop on “Ethics for Live News on Facebook” virtually organised yesterday by the Club of Cambodian Journalists.
In the past, information could only accessible by a privileged few, and now in the 21st century everyone can access it, he said.
The minister underlined three key drivers that makes information so accessible across the world which are internet connection, social media platforms, and global library.
Unlike other commodities, news product is intangible but serves as a foundation to get things moving, so it is important that they move toward the right direction, he added.
He underlined that to ensure that the information is made for the best interest of a society and its members, the news producers need to know the importance of the news and comply with the media ethics.
H.E. Khieu Kanharith again reminded all those involving in the media production circle to also be well aware of their social responsibility.

Source: Agency Kampuchea Press