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Over 300,000 Tourists Recorded in June

Some 346,518 people toured the country in June, up 78.59 percent compared to the previous month, but down 43.4 percent compared to June 2020, according to H.E. Thong Khon, Minister of Tourism.
Of the domestic visitors, 342,109 were national tourists, and 4,409 were foreign visitors, he pointed out
The most visited tourism destinations were Phnom Penh capital, followed by Kampot, Kampong Speu, Battambang, Preah Sihanouk, Kep, and Siem Reap provinces, H.E. Minister added.
Coastal areas, especially Kampot, Kep, and Preah Sihanouk provinces, together with eco-tourism, natural tourism and agro-tourism areas have attracted domestic tourists the most, he underlined.
Recently, the National Tourism Development Committee has endorsed the draft Mondulkiri tourism development master plan 2021-2035.
The master plan will contribute to turning the northeastern area with Mondulkiri province as the core into the country’s fourth economic pole after Phnom Penh capital, the coastal areas, and Siem Reap province, and to integrating Mondulkiri with other areas of the country and in the region.

Source: Agency Kampuchea Press