Cambodia News Gazette



PM’s Khmer New Year Message with Country’s Five-Year Milestones

Cambodian Prime Minister has sent out a Khmer New Year message to his fellow country people, noting numerous milestones and achievements guided by the Rectangular Strategy phase 4 during the 6th legislature of the National Assembly.

Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen delivered the message in an open letter released recently.

He underscored that voted by and for the people, the Royal Government has gained immense confidence from the people and is continuing its historic mission with firm commitment.

While working hard to build internal and human resources especially through comprehensive reforms, effective public institutional capacity, and governance; the government is committed to protect the constitutional monarchy, peace, political stability, national sovereignty and territorial integrity.

According to the Prime Minister, with all invested efforts, the government secured 5.5 percent economic growth in 2022 and the growth is expected to accelerate to 6.6 percent this year.

Cambodia’s international trade volume has reached US$48,151 million with US$20,460 million worth export and US$27,691 million worth import, and the country’s inflation is well manageable.

The exchange rate remained stable, while the international reserves rose to US$17,805 million in 2022, up from US$14,629 million in 2018, and is expected to reach US$22.149 million this year.

Cambodia’s gross domestic product per capital increased to US$1,785 in 2022 from US$1,730 in 2021, and is expected to rise to US$1,924 in 2023.

The Royal Government has built and rehabilitated various roads across the country to ease transport, trade, and economy; is promoting renewable and clean energy transition while securing 88.4 households with access to electricity.

On agriculture, Cambodia harvested a total of 11.62 million tonnes of paddy rice, with a surplus of 6.29 million tonnes of paddy rice or 4 million tonnes of milled rice, and exported 637,000 tonnes of milled rice to international markets.

Despite the COVID-19 threat in the past years, there are still 1,982 factories, mostly for garment and footwear, and 43,997 small and medium enterprises operating in Cambodia.

The public health, service and construction sectors are also accelerating, and the government is also managing effective its foreign affairs and contributing remarkable to the world’s peacebuilding mission under the United Nations umbrella.

He also reminded that although the government’s COVID-19 response and containment has been prove to be very effective, keeping the situation under control, the people need to stay vigilant and continue to practice necessary safety measures.

Sending New Year best wishes to His Majesty King Norodom Sihamoni and Her Majesty Queen-Mother Norodom Monineath Sihanouk, Samdech Techo Prime Minister also called on all competent authorities to ensure public security and safety during the in-coming Khmer New Year on April 14-16 as well as the SEA Games and ASEAN Para Games to follow.

Source: Agence Kampuchea Presse