KUALA LUMPUR, The Real Madrid Foundation continues to demonstrate its commitment to supporting the development of football at a young age by introducing its own football education programme starting this October.

Dr V. Nathan, president of Winner Takes All and co-organiser with the Real Madrid Foundation Clinic, announced that the International School of Kuala Lumpur (ISKL) has been selected as the venue to integrate sports-related values ??and football training through the school sports community programme.

“The goal is to instill core values ??while enhancing the football skills of participants. They can choose to join the programme once a week or twice a week and will be coached by Real Madrid coaches, eliminating the need to wait for periodic football clinics to come to Kuala Lumpur.

“This programme is open to children under 18, both boys and girls, with a monthly fee of RM360. It will apply the methodology used by Real Madrid teams to these children, which is crucial for football development,” he tol
d reporters after a Real Madrid Foundation football clinic at ISKL today

Earlier, 135 children aged five to 17 benefited from the football clinic, which was held in two sessions.

Source: BERNAMA News Agency