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MELAKA, Insurance coverage for part-time or ‘stringer’ journalists is very important because the group is exposed to various risks when they are in the field to gather news and information.

Conscious of the need, Melaka Health, Human Resources and Unity Committee chairman Ngwe Hee Sem took the initiative to help fund the insurance coverage contributions under the Social Security Organisation (Socso) for more than 40 part-time journalists of various media agencies in the state.

He said that each part-time journalist received insurance coverage under a contribution plan worth RM232.80 per year and he financed 20 per cent of the amount since last year.

“The rest is borne by the government through subsidies offered under the Self-Employment Social Security Scheme and it is hoped that this will help the part-time journalists who contribute if they suffer any accidents while working,” he told Bernama.

He said the initiative, which also aimed to appreciating the services and contributions of media personnel, wi
ll continue for the third year after the current insurance plan expires in October this year.

Meanwhile, Melaka RTM’s part-time cameraman Lufty Ahmad, 40, said the protection plan offered is very important because every day he has to cover different programmes and locations that might be exposed to various risks.

“People see media work, especially cameramen, as easy, but they don’t know the challenges and obstacles that need to be faced to get an interesting ‘angle’ for the public to watch.

“At least if there is an accident while working, I am still protected,” he said, who hoped there would be good news for them at the 2024 National Journalists’ Day (HAWANA).

HAWANA 2024 will take place in Kuching, Sarawak for three days starting tomorrow and the culmination of this year’s fourth edition will be inaugurated by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim on May 27.

Various programmes are planned including the HAWANA 2024 Tour with Students which will be inaugurated by the Minister of Communications Fahmi Fad
zil at the Sarawak State Library in Kuching, tomorrow besides the HAWANA 2024 Exhibition at the Main Atrium of Plaza Merdeka Shopping Centre for three days also starting on Saturday.

Another event of HAWANA 2024 is the Sarawak Media Conference (SMEC) 2024 themed ‘Evolution of Media in the Digital Era’ over two days starting Sunday and will be inaugurated by Sarawak Premier Tan Sri Abang Johari Tun Openg.

In order to get to know the unique culture and latest development of Bumi Kenyalang more closely, HAWANA 2024 participants will visit iconic locations around Kuching including the Borneo Cultural Museum, Darul Hana Bridge, Mother Earth Square through the ‘Juh Raon’ or ‘let’s go sightseeing’ programme in Sarawak Malay language on Sunday.

Source: BERNAMA News Agency