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Cambodian PM Presides over 2021 Interfaith Forum Against Human Trafficking and COVID-19 Pandemic

Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia, this evening presided over the 2021 Cambodia National Interfaith Forum Against Human Trafficking and COVID-19 Pandemic held via Videoconference.
This forum was organised under the theme “May the World Be Safe from the COVID-19 Global Pandemic and Human Trafficking”.
“On behalf of the Royal Government of Cambodia, I would like to express my sincere congratulations and high appreciation for the spirit of solidarity and harmony of all races and religious beliefs in the Kingdom, especially the spirit of supporting the Royal Government in all circumstances as well as the world for peace and happiness of humanity,” Samdech Techo Hun Sen said in his opening speech.
This year 2021, the COVID-19 crisis has continued, while opportunists took the advantage of this difficult time to commit human trafficking and transnational crimes, therefore this forum reminds all of us to be more and well prepared to respond to the problems, he added.
“I understand that this interfaith forum must be organised in a new way to remind the people of all races and religious beliefs in the Kingdom as well as those in the world, to change and adapt to the new norm of life with a strong sense of humanity, compassion, and dignity of all human beings,” the Premier underlined.
Cambodia National Interfaith Forum is an annual event held since 2017. It is a gathering of all religious groups in Cambodia, relevant NGOs, and government officials to discuss about human trafficking issue.

Source: Agence Kampuchea Press