
Drafting of National Roadmap for Cambodia’s Sustainable Food Systems Accelerated

Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) is accelerating the drafting of National Roadmap for Cambodia’s sustainable food systems for 2030 roadmap to further promote the sector toward sustainable development.

A meeting to examine the final draft of the National Roadmap took place recently via videoconference under the chairmanship of H.E. Veng Sakhon, Minister of MAFF and Vice President of the Council for Agricultural and Rural Development (CARD), with the participation of representatives of 13 relevant ministries and institutions as well as those of development partners such as FAO, ADB, WB, WHO, GIZ, and UNICEF.

The roadmap focuses on ensuring a sustainable, well-nutritious food system and providing equitable livelihood opportunities, especially for the youths with innovation, poor farmers, vulnerable people though the increase of productivity, agricultural diversification toward green growth, and increase of smallholder farmers’ and vulnerable people’s income.


Source: Agency Kampuchea Press



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