Health Protection

Japan Provides Anti-COVID-19 Equipment for Cambodia

The Government of Japan yesterday provided the stockpiled ASEF equipment, as assistance for COVID-19 response for Cambodia.
The equipment included 15,000 isolation gowns, 1,250 safety goggles, 50,000 gloves and 8,000 masks, said a press release of the Embassy of Japan in Phnom Penh made public this afternoon.
These items came from the Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF)’s equipment stockpile which was financed by Japan, the same source added.
In cooperation with the WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific (WPRO), these goods were delivered to the Kingdom of Cambodia from a warehouse in Singapore, it pointed out.
According to the press release, Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) was founded in 1996 in Singapore as a permanent body of Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM). It has been engaged in multiple activities with a focus on the socio-cultural field.

Source: Agency Kampuchea Press


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