

LABUAN, Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) and Neurogine Sdn Bhd have launched UMS Technology Talent Hub 2024 (UMS T2H 2024) to develop, retain and attract talent to Labuan.

This initiative seeks to identify, develop and attract talent in technology, marketing and finance within Labuan and addresses a broader social responsibility of reversing Labuan’s brain drain.

Chief executive officer Owen Chen Chee Onn said Neurogine, one of Malaysia’s leading technology companies, is committed to fostering future leaders in the intersecting fields of technology, finance and marketing.

‘We are thrilled to be part of UMS T2H 2024 and our role as the main sponsor,’ he said at its launch at UMS Labuan International College here today.

The event is organised by UMS’ Faculty of Labuan International Finance in collaboration with the Faculty of Computing and Informatics, and Neurogine.

‘It will help create employment and respond to Labuan’s talent demand for digital banking, robo-advisers, virtual asset exchanges, and Islami
c financial blockchain tokens.

‘Neurogine has been at the forefront of innovation, pioneering payment tokenisation and financial blockchain solutions since 2020,’ he said.

Chen the event is also in sync with plans to establish a blockchain hub and transform the island into a digital financial hub and launchpad for blockchain technology, as announced by Finance Minister II Datuk Seri Amir Hamzah Azizan last month.

‘We believe there are significant opportunities to develop world-class talent here, establishing Labuan as a technology innovation hub to serve the Brunei-Indonesia-Malaysia-Philippines East ASEAN Growth Area (BIMP-EAGA),’ he said.

Chen said the tools to realise such opportunities are ready with the International Finance and Computing Informatics faculties and its 1,500 annual enrolments.

‘It is ambitious but realistic to position both faculties as talent and technology innovators,’ Chen said.

The initiative also enables the company to connect and recruit talent and showcases its commitment to
innovate and support Malaysia’s technology talent ecosystem.

Dean of Labuan’s International Finance Associate Professor Dr Geoffrey Harvey Tanakinjal said the initiative provides a platform for students to showcase their skills.

He said teams of five will compete over six months in prototyping and pitching exercises for the three top prices of RM10,000, RM8,000 and RM5,000 in December.

Neurogine is also offering employment contracts to deserving individuals. Team registrations start on June 10, 2024, and end on Aug 10, 2024.

Information and registration form are available at or from

Source: BERNAMA News Agency