Cambodia Elected As 141st Member of International Military Sports Council

The 79th CISM General Assembly and Congress, held from May 12 to 19, 2024 in Dar es Salaam City, Tanzania, has unanimously voted for Cambodia as CISM’s 141st full member.

The good news was shared by Secretary General of the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces Football Association Major General Khov Chhay, who led a Cambodian delegation to attend the International Military Sports Council (CISM) assembly and congress upon his return on May 20.

The secretary general considers this another milestone to profile Cambodia internationally.

The membership, he added, will leverage Cambodian army and sport cooperation with other members of CISM, which is one of the largest multi-disciplinary sports organisations in the world.

CISM was established in 1948 and is a sports organisation with a significant contribution to the harmonisation and peace of the world by organising international friendship sports events among the armed forces of its member countries.

Source: Agence Kampuchea Presse


KUALA LUMPUR, It is a lively and harmonious Wesak Day celebration across the country with thousands of Buddhist devotees congregating at temples in their respective states as early as 5.30 this morning.

In KUALA LUMPUR, as many as 25,000 devotees and visitors gathered at the Maha Vihara Buddhist Temple in Brickfields as early as 5.30 am to perform religious rituals to honour the birth, enlightenment and passing of the religion’s founder, Siddharta Gautama Buddha.

Deputy president of the temple A. Hemadasa said various events are being held including the candlelight procession at 6 pm which will be officiated by Transport Minister Anthony Loke and a float of 20 decorated cars.

Devotees are also seen visiting the Fo Guang Shan temple in SS3, Petaling Jaya which organised a charity event consisting of 33 booths and a calligraphy art show.

In PENANG, thousands of Buddhists visit temples around the state and a check by Bernama at the largest Buddhist temple in Malaysia, Kek Lok Si in Air Itam, found that the
devotees as well as visitors from abroad congregating at the temple to experience the Wesak Day celebration.

The Malaysian Buddhist Association (MBA) building, near Jalan Burma here, was lively with devotees who came with family members to light joss sticks, incense and candles fashioned as lotus flowers in addition to scattering flowers and bathing the Buddha statue, as a symbolic religious ceremony.

In PERLIS, the Wesak day is celebrated as early as 7 am with several interesting activities being lined up including a food festival at the Perlis Buddhist Society in Kangar.

Society vice-chairman Tan Chan Sin said the Wesak Day celebration in Perlis featured a twist with the organisation of a food festival to attract the public’s involvement.

In SARAWAK, devotees observed Wesak Day with a full of gratitude at the Sarawak Buddhist Association Temple. It was also attended by Deputy Premier and Sarawak Public Health, Housing and Local Government Minister Datuk Amar Dr Sim Kui Hian.

Meanwhile, in KELANTAN, Wat
Prachumthat Chanaram is a choice for Buddhists to observe Wesak Day in the state every year. There were also visitors from Kuala Lumpur who turned up at the temple early this morning.

Visitors also shared stories about their respective Wesak Day celebrations including Kong Min Ting, 35, from Sungai Petani, KEDAH who said she and her family still wear face masks when visiting the temple as a precaution.

‘COVID-19 virus is still there so we wear face masks as the place is crowded… after paying our respects, we plan to go out for a walk since today is a public holiday,’ she said.

Meanwhile, in JOHOR, former teacher Ong Ai Tong, 62, said the sacred event held today is important to seek forgiveness from God for past mistakes.

‘Today we ask for forgiveness for our mistakes and we promise to do three good things – perform good deeds; speak good things and our hearts must keep good intentions,’ Ong said.

In PERAK, the chairman of Wat Siribunyamagaram in Ipoh, Iyeng Endin Niang said Wesak Day symbolises the har
mony and unity that exists in the society of various religions and races in this country.

Wesak Day is a public holiday in Malaysia and Buddhist devotees gather at temples today to sing hymns and carry symbols of Buddhist icons during a procession that symbolises purity and enlightenment.

Source: BERNAMA News Agency

Senate President: Anyone Who Says No Genocide in Cambodia Should Be Punished

President of the Senate, Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen, said anyone who continues saying that there was no genocide in Cambodia should be punished by the law.

Addressing the closing ceremony of the First Conference on ‘The Future of Cambodia Without Genocide’ this morning, Samdech Techo Hun Sen that the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC) is the real evidence to prove it (genocide in Cambodia).

‘The ECCC reflects the historical fact of the genocidal regime in Cambodia. Crimes and genocide in Cambodia are not an invention for political gains,’ he underlined.

Samdech Techo Hun Sen took the opportunity to suggest that the Ministry of Justice drafts a new law to punish anyone who creates any misunderstanding on Khmer Rouge’s genocide in the Kingdom.

The former Prime Minister of Cambodia expressed his gratitude to all the countries who have supported the ECCC to render justice to more than 3 million victims who died during the Khmer Rouge regime from massacre, torture, starvat
ion, forced labour, etc.

Samdech Techo Hun Sen also recalled the peace process and the country’s commitment to bring justice to the victims.

The three-day Conference on “The Future of Cambodia Without Genocide,” held at the Army Command (administration office of Khmer Rouge Tribunal) in Phnom Penh’s Khan Kambol, was concluded successfully on May 22.

In the opening ceremony, Prime Minister Samdech Moha Borvor Thipadei Hun Manet said prevention of the return of any possible genocide is a main priority of the Royal Government.

Samdech Thipadei Hun Manet laid stress on the importance of consensus on the interpretation of national history, including the national liberation on Jan. 7, 1979, the signing of the Paris Peace Agreement on Oct. 23, 1991, and the achievement of complete peace thanks to the Win-Win policy with Samdech Techo Hun Sen as the founder, since Dec. 29, 1998, to avoid any story fabrication for political gains by violating the justice of the victims and efforts in national unification.

The fut
ure of a country depends on its willingness to face the past, he said, stressing that to do so, the nation has to have a consensus on the interpretation of its past and key historical events related to the country’s war and peace.

In addition, the Cambodian Premier emphasised the significance of education on genocide, a mechanism to prevent genocide, and of maintaining the hard-earned peace at all costs.

At this conference, UN Under-Secretary-General and Special Adviser on the Prevention of Genocide Ms. Alice Wairimu Nderitu said prevention of genocide is at the core of what the United Nations was created for.

‘Cambodia was among the first countries to accede to this Convention in 1950. Unfortunately, we know, and Cambodia’s own experience shows, that the world has not lived up to this promise of ‘never again’. We also know the devastating consequences that results from the failure to prevent. The horrific crimes committed during the Khmer Rouge period had and continue to have a devastating impact on victi
ms and survivors as well as the society at large. Cambodia remains for us an example that, if action is taken, much can be achieved,’ she said.

‘What happened here in Cambodia has provided us with many tough lessons. It has also provided us with a wealth of information,’ added Ms. Alice Wairimu Nderitu.

Source: Agence Kampuchea Presse


TELUK INTAN, The implementation of targeted diesel subsidy in Peninsular Malaysia is a bold move by the MADANI government to check leakages, said Housing and Local Government Minister Nga Kor Ming.

He said the government led by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim has considered various aspects to minimise the impact on the cost of living before deciding to implement this measure.

“If the government does not implement targeted subsidies, the leakages will continue and worsen over time. It is very important for us to correct past mistakes.

“The MADANI government chooses to act responsibly to ensure the country’s sustainability. This implementation can also save RM4 billion annually, which can then be used for the benefit of the people,” he told reporters here today.

Earlier, Nga, the Member of Parliament for Teluk Intan, handed over aid of RM1,000 each to 240 students from 11 Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Tamil (SJKT) in the constituency.

Last night, Anwar announced that the Cabinet had agreed to implement
targeted subsidy on diesel for users in the Peninsula, involving 10 types of public transport vehicles and 23 types of goods transport vehicles under the subsidised diesel control system.

He said this means that bus operators, taxi drivers and fishermen will continue to be supported with subsidies or assistance, and the government has agreed to provide cash assistance to eligible individual diesel vehicle owners, including small farmers, padi farmers and petty traders.

According to the Prime Minister, the targeted diesel subsidy does not benefit the T20 group and 3.8 million foreigners, and the move will save the government an estimated RM4 billion previously enjoyed by these groups annually.

Source: BERNAMA News Agency


GEORGE TOWN, The National Unity Ministry will expedite the establishment of the National Special Museum Figure Award, one of the prestigious awards under the National Cultural Policy, its minister Datuk Aaron Ago Dagang said.

He said currently, the Department of Museums Malaysia (JMM) is in the final stages of drafting the proposal for this award and hopes it will become a reality next year.

Aaron also said that the government, through the ministry, will prioritise the agenda of making museums a platform for racial integration, aligning with their role as ‘guardians of heritage.’

‘The museum institutions in Malaysia play an important role in shaping the identity and unity of a healthy society. Malaysia’s identity is well known internationally as a country of diversity.

‘Therefore, museum institutions in Malaysia must play their crucial role in preserving and protecting historical and cultural treasures, thereby acting as agents in strengthening the national identity,’ he said in his speech at the closing
ceremony of the International Museum Day (IMD) 2024 Festival at the Spice Arena Convention Centre here tonight.

The closing ceremony was officiated by Yang Dipertua Negeri of Penang Tun Ahmad Fuzi Abdul Razak. Also present were Deputy Minister of National Unity K. Saraswathy and Penang Deputy Chief Minister I Datuk Mohamad Abdul Hamid.

Meanwhile, Aaron also announced that the ‘Night at the Museum’, a traditional ministry programme since 2007 involving school students nationwide, will be expanded to include youths up to the age of 30 this year.

He said the programme will be held from Aug 30-31 for the student category and from Oct 12-13, 2024, for the youth category, targeting the participation of 30 museums compared to 25 museums last year.

Meanwhile, Aaron said the IMD Festival is part of the Citra Nusa @Museum initiative, aimed at enhancing awareness of the nation’s heritage among the younger generation.

The IMD 2024 festival ran for 12 days from May 13 to 22 at Dewan Sri Pinang here, attracting partic
ipation from 38 agencies, institutions and museums, and drawing 200,000 visitors, including online.

Source: BERNAMA News Agency