KUCHING, State fatwa agencies need to be on the same page with the national fatwa committee so that the fatwas issued in each state do not contradict each other.

Sarawak Premier Tan Sri Abang Johari Tun Openg said that this is important to maintain Muslim civilisation and enhance the community’s understanding of Islam as a way of life.

‘Before issuing a fatwa about any issue faced by Muslims, it is important for the fatwa agencies to discuss and look at all angles based on the Quran and Hadith,’ ??he said at the opening ceremony of the state-level fatwa seminar here today.

Meanwhile, Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department (Religious Affairs), Senator Dr Zulkifli Hasan said the synergy between the State Mufti Department and the Malaysian Islamic Development Department (Jakim) is important in strengthening the position of Islam in this country.

‘Religious agencies cannot work alone but instead, must join hands towards a more effective direction.

‘Of late, religious issues and topics discussed
in seminars often become polemics in the community with the emergence of muftis who give fatwas on social media that can confuse the community.

‘Hence, with the synergy between the religious agencies, all the confusion and ambiguity could be clarified and dealt with in accordance with the true teachings of Islam,’ he added.

Source: BERNAMA News Agency


SEPANG, Some 280 Malaysian Haj pilgrims arrived at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) at around 9.30 pm today, signifying the commencement of the second phase of operations for the Haj Season 1445H/2024M to welcome their return home.

They were welcomed by Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department (Religious Affairs) Datuk Dr Mohd Na’im Mokhtar, Tabung Haji (TH) chairman Tan Sri Abdul Rashid Hussain and Syed Hamadah Syed Othman, Group Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of TH.

The first group, comprising pilgrims from Kedah and Kelantan, departed from the King Abdul Aziz International Airport, Jeddah at 6.40 am (Saudi Arabia time) on Malaysia Airlines’ AMAL flight (MH 8251).

Mohd Na’im, speaking to rreporters after welcoming the pilgrims, said this year’s Haj operation proceeded smoothly and organised with orderliness and success.

‘This is despite challenging conditions such as intense heat, but the pilgrims managed to perform their rituals safely, orderly and with high discipline.

I congratulate and commend TH for once again demonstrating full commitment to delivering high-quality services and efficient management, marked by various improvements to ensure the smoothness and comfort of the pilgrims’ worship,’ he said.

Mohd Na’im said TH’s commitment and dedication in managing this year’s Haj operation have been recognised with Saudi Arabia’s Labbaittom Award for highest satisfaction in service for the third consecutive time.

‘On behalf of the Malaysian government, I express gratitude to TH, government agencies, corporate bodies, volunteers and all parties who directly and indirectly contributed to the success of this year’s Haj operation. May this charitable deed be blessed by Allah,’ he added.

Mohd Na’im said as of today, 18 Malaysian pilgrims, comprising 13 men and five women aged between 37 and 79 years old, died in the Holy Land. Most deaths were due to heart attacks and blood infections.

Of the 18 who died, 10 managed to perform the Wukuf on 9 Zulhijjah, while TH has completed
the haj badal arrangements for the remaining eight pilgrims who could not perform Wukuf, without additional costs.

Mohd Na’im said TH and other agencies will conduct a post-mortem to identify areas for improvement for future Haj seasons.

Meanwhile, Syed Hamadah said receiving the Labbaittom Award serves as motivation for TH to continually seek innovation in providing the best services each year.

‘TH will strive to provide the best service to Malaysian Haj pilgrims and conduct careful assessments to enhance service quality for future Haj seasons.

‘The goals and objectives outlined for this Haj operation have been successfully achieved, including facilitating almost all pilgrims to perform the Wuquf at Arafah on 9 Zulhijjah, aligning with the saying of the Prophet Muhammad SAW that Haj is Arafah,’ he said.

A total of 100 special charter flights have been arranged by AMAL by Malaysia Airlines and Saudia Airlines to bring all Haj pilgrims back to Malaysia from June 24, with the last flight scheduled on July

Source: BERNAMA News Agency


BATU PAHAT, The caretaker and hired farmhands of the durian orchard that became an unlikely resting place for a skeleton belonging to a missing biker, never suspected somebody died there as there was no stench — other than the pervading presence of the king of fruit.

The caretaker known as Wong, 72, said he commutes every day to the orchard next to the Komplex Penghulu Mukim Linau, as he has been shuttling for the past one month, to clean the site and pick matured durian fruit fallen on its own (unripe durian hardly emanates a smell).

Wong said in his 30-odd years of gardening at the orchard of six acres, it was the first strange episode of a human skeleton cropping up at the location, barring animal bones which he occasionally stumble upon.

“Actually, four days ago (Saturday) I did find a bone in the orchard during cleaning work, but I didn’t think it belonged to a human and guessed it was from an animal since there was no unpleasant smell.

“However, yesterday was when I saw police out in force at the
orchard claiming a human skeleton was found before being asked to make a police report,” he said at the durian orchard in Jalan Yong Peng here today.

Meanwhile, Mohd Rizza Masri, 38, construction supervisor of the Komplex Penghulu Mukim Linau also attested that no foul smell ever pinched his nose, wafting from the orchard, even though he was working in the vicinity about 50 metres away for the past two months.

“The other workers and I laboured on as usual until (yesterday, when) many people came with the police, then we heard the commotion about a skeleton and a motorcycle that was said to belong to the teenager reported missing last month,” he said.

Yesterday, police said the puzzle of the human skeleton in the durian orchard was traced to Hafiz Fauzan Abdul Halid, a fifth former SM Agama Parit Raja (SMAPR) who was reported missing on May 26, a month ago.

A motorcycle almost identical to the one ridden by Hafiz Fauzan was also found in the orchard based on the registration plate number that his family sh
ared on social media after his disappearance.

With police postulation that the teenager crashed into the orchard with his bike and fell wedged among the trees, to die a silent death hidden from view until the discovery.

The identity of the skeleton will soon be confirmed with the conclusion of a DNA test but until the bones of the missing teenager are finally laid to rest, perhaps the answer to why no one smelt out the dead body may lie with the pervasive smell of the durian orchard in this unpleasant episode which stirred Mukim Linau from slumber.

Source: BERNAMA News Agency


PUTRAJAYA, The government will try to facilitate Vehicle Entry Permit (VEP) registration for foreign-registered vehicles entering Malaysia but will not turn back on the enforcement of VEP starting Oct 1.

Transport Minister Anthony Loke said the government currently has no way to track foreign-registered vehicles with summonses and offences.

He said once VEP is in place, foreign motorists with violations in Malaysia will have to settle their fines before leaving the country.

“That is the message. There will be no U-turn. Oct 1, it will be enforced,” he said after officiating at the annual general meeting of Persatuan Pengusaha Pusat Latihan Memandu Malaysia here today.

He hoped foreign drivers would abide by Malaysian laws and rules, just like how Malaysian drivers abide by Singapore’s laws.

Loke said the Transport Ministry (MOT) is aware of emails regarding applicants facing difficulties in registering for VEP, and the ministry’s Land Division and Road Transport Department have been instructed to look
into the standard operating procedure to simplify the process and resolve the issues.

“Once we have rectified that (the issues), we will make some announcement,” he said.

Loke said he would personally look into the issues and visit Johor to make an inspection soon.

“We will make some announcements soon in terms of improvements,” he said.

Once the VEP regulation is enforced, anyone driving a foreign motor vehicle without a VEP can be fined up to RM2,000 or imprisoned for up to six months upon conviction.

Source: BERNAMA News Agency


PUTRAJAYA, No traders were found selling chicken eggs above the new government-mandated price ceiling set on June 17, the Domestic Trade and Cost of Living Ministry (KPDN) said.

Its enforcement director-general Datuk Azman Adam said a week-long monitoring of 1,828 wholesale and retail premises revealed compliance with the newly reduced egg prices across various shopping hubs such as public markets, farmers’ markets and supermarkets.

He said 2,200 enforcement officers were deployed to ensure adherence to the pricing regulations.

‘Despite this, KPDN has taken action against six traders for failing to display required pink price tags and two more cases for not displaying prices,’ he said in a statement today.

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim recently announced reductions to retail prices for Grade A, B, and C chicken eggs to 42 sen, 40 sen and 38 sen per egg respectively, effective from June 17.

He said the government’s decision to further lower retail prices of Grade A, B and C chicken eggs nationw
ide by an additional 3 sen each as part of efforts to pass on savings from subsidy rationalisation to consumers.

Azman said KPDN also acknowledged the majority of traders who comply with the laws and conduct their business ethically.

The public can lodge complaints with KPDN through the following channels: WhatsApp at 019-848 8000; KPDN e-Complaint portal at; and Call Center at 1-800-886-800.

Complaints can also be made via email at; KPDN Ez ADU app; or the Enforcement Operations Centre at 03-8882 6088 / 6245.

Source: BERNAMA News Agency