Cambodia News Gazette



Amnesty International’s Report Proved Wrong

An advisor to the Royal Government of Cambodia has proved the report by Amnesty International on Cambodia’s resettlement of the squatters from the Angkor Archaeological Park baseless and misleading.

The advisor, H.E. Raoul Marc Jennar, ran reporters and other participants through the detailed flaws, which he said were ill-willed and discriminatory, in a press conference with Minister of Information H.E. Neth Pheaktra on April 5 at the ministry.

As part of long-term sustainable development, the Royal Government of Cambodia arranged a decent resettlement plan for the squatters from the Angkor Archaeological Park of Siem Reap province.

It follows carefully designed stages to mitigate to the least the social and environmental impacts on the affected residents, offering them new resettlement with the necessary infrastructure and other facilities in the nearby Run Taek and Peak Sneng areas.

To deep dismay, Amnesty International once again issued a report that did not reflect the endeavour and reality and polit
icised the issue.

H.E. Raoul Marc Jennar, who closely monitors the resettlement, sees the need to reveal the facts to defend the hard work of the government for the sake of the Cambodian people.

H.E. Neth Pheaktra echoed the insight, adding that the public has the right to access the truth, which is a priority of the Royal Government as well as the ministry to bridge the information gap and tackle fake reports.

The press conference was held to launch a new book titled ‘Resettlement of the Squatters from Angkor Park,’ written by H.E. Raoul Marc Jennar, who is also a lecturer at the National Institute of Diplomacy and International Relations (NIDIR).

Source: Agence Kampuchea Presse