Cambodia News Gazette



ASEAN-China Centre Seeks Support from Cambodia for Its Priority Projects to Increase Cooperation and Backing for LDCs in the Region

A visiting delegation of ASEAN-China Centre (ACC), led by its Secretary-General H.E. Shi Zhongjun, has been seeking support from Cambodia for its priority projects to advance cooperation and backing for least developed countries (LDCs) in the ASEAN region, namely Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar to narrow the regional development gap.

The request was raised during a meeting between H.E. Rath Saravuth, Secretary of State for the Ministry of Commerce, and the ACC delegation at the ministry office in Phnom Penh yesterday.

H.E. Shi Zhongjun further briefed H.E. Rath Saravuth about past achievements and priority and initiative tasks of ACC which focus on Sustainable Development Cooperation; organisation of the visit of Chinese Economic and Trade delegation and of the ASEAN-China Business Network Expansion Event; and organisation of ASEAN-China Trade and Investment Promotion Workshop.

According to H.E. Shi Zhongjun, the purpose of the ACC’s visit to Cambodia this time was to further reinforce bilateral cooperation in the fields of trade and investment as well as strengthen bilateral flourishing relations between Cambodia and China.

In response, H.E. Rath Saravuth welcomed and supported the above-mentioned ACC’s priority projects and initiatives which would provide benefits to people in the ASEAN region, particularly Cambodians, and China.

The Cambodian secretary of state also updated his guests about the new developments, investment potentials and opportunities in Cambodia, and encouraged Chinese investors to continue investing in Cambodia.

Taking the opportunity, H.E. Rath Saravuth thanked the Government and people of China for their support and cooperation for the socio-economic development of Cambodia so far, especially for Cambodia’s chairmanship of ASEAN in 2022.

Source: Agence Kampuchea Presse (AKP)