Cambodia News Gazette




KUALA LUMPUR, Turning 57 today is no small milestone, and indeed, the Malaysian National News Agency (Bernama) has faced numerous challenges to strengthen its presence for more than five decades since its establishment.

Despite changes in leadership, each bringing their own strategies, the agency’s primary goal remains the same: to ensure that Bernama stays relevant as the community’s primary choice for authentic and accurate news.

Moving forward, various transformations have been carried out.

From solely covering hard news on politics, current affairs, sports, crime and court news, the agency has evolved by including lighter news content through the creation of the Lifestyle Desk, besides focusing on data and multimedia journalism.

All these efforts aim to ensure the news agency stays competitive in capturing readers’ interest. However, several former and current media practitioners believe that Bernama’s reporting is still not impactful enough, noting that it needs to integrate artificial intelligence
(AI) in its reporting.

Furthermore, several local media outlets are increasingly aggressive in investing to equip their staff with AI reporting concepts and according to these seasoned journalists, Bernama should also boldly make similar investments.

If this is not done promptly, there is a concern that Bernama’s influence might fade and ultimately become irrelevant, said former Bernama editor-in-chief Datuk Zakaria Abdul Wahab.

Having served the agency for 39 years, he acknowledged that Bernama has performed its duties well in providing credible news.

‘The challenge Bernama will face is the emergence of new media technology such as AI. In this regard, Bernama must equip its staff with this new knowledge. Otherwise, it will hinder its growth and leave it lagging behind its competitors,’ he said when contacted.

Beyond technology, Zakaria also believed the news agency needs to create a ‘new formula’ with out-of-the-box reporting techniques, be more open, creative and comprehensive — not just focusing on d
isseminating government information but also the voices and sentiments of the people for the benefit of all.

He also noted that the media today is facing tough and complex challenges, including various pressures from different parties and the emergence of ‘instant journalists’, and as such, Bernama must continue to uphold its reputation as a trusted news agency.

Meanwhile, New Straits Times Press group managing editor Datuk Ahmad Zaini Kamaruzzaman said Bernama has played an essential role since its establishment on May 20, 1968, to provide news in various forms such as portals, videos, radio and digital platforms.

‘Bernama has always been swift and fast and its news has been used by all media. Bernama also consistently maintains its function in delivering accurate, reliable and relevant news to its readers and clients from other media agencies,’ he said.

However, like Zakaria, Ahmad Zaini also believed the agency must adopt technology in its operations, particularly in transforming news delivery and visu
al content.

‘Bernama needs to invest in upgrading its operations with more advanced equipment in the newsroom to provide better images and news in line with the latest technological advancement,’ he said.

Former Bernama deputy editor-in-chief of Economic News Service Mikhail Raj Abdullah said Bernama’s adherence to the basic tools of journalism that consist of 5W1H has heightened its relevancy in the midst of the proliferation of social media, blogs, vlogs, citizen journalists and influencers, who might have their own understanding of what news is all about.

‘No less important is the news agency’s role to counter the onslaught of fake and false news, misinformation and disinformation as well as manipulated visuals made possible through AI by unscrupulous quarters.

‘Celebrating its anniversary, I wish Bernama all the best given that its role is paramount to ensure the dissemination of credible news and maintain the united fabric of the nation’s plural society despite immense challenges to the media landsca
pe,’ he said.

The national news agency was established via the Bernama Act 1967 and commenced operations in 1968, initially providing news text services. It later expanded to include photo services before launching a radio station in 2007, a TV channel in 2008 and most recently, digital media.

Source: BERNAMA News Agency