Cambodia News Gazette



Cambodia Clean Water Forum Calls for Unified Effort to Enhance Nationwide Water Access

The Ministry of Industry, Science, Technology and Innovation (MISTI) hosted here on July 24 Cambodia Clean Water Forum to strengthen collaboration among public and private water operators, as well as financial institutions, to enhance water supply services across the country.

Presided over by MISTI Minister H.E. Hem Vanndy, the forum gathered over 500 stakeholders to discuss the implementation of the Law on Clean Water Management and enforcement of licence requirements, according to the ministry’s press release.

Speaking on the occasion, H.E. Vanndy noted that the government has given a large space for the private sector to service the populace. He emphasised the importance of a reliable clean water supply not only for household consumption and public health but also for attracting investment and supporting industrial development.

MISTI is currently assessing water supply services nationwide, and is negotiating with financial institutions to prioritise funding for the sector. SME Bank, as a key stakehold
er in this effort, reported to the forum that water supply has become a priority sector for lending, and it has already approved around US$14 million in low-interest loans for private water operators.

The forum included presentations from financial institutions such as the Association of Banks in Cambodia, the Cambodia Microfinance Association, showcasing financial products designed for the water supply sector. The Credit Guarantee Corporation of Cambodia also reported that is has guaranteed loans totaling US$201 million, with part benefiting clean water projects.

During the forum, private water operators called on the government for interventions, including address compensation for damages caused by infrastructure projects and support in establishing more sustainable water sources.

H.E. Hem Vanndy addressed those requests and stressed the key role of the Cambodia Water Supply Association. He urged public water utilities and all private water operators to step up their efforts, particularly in improving te
chnical capacity and compliance, to enhance water quality and access across the country.

Source: Agence Kampuchea Presse