Cambodia News Gazette



Cambodian NA still open to cooperation with EU

The National Assembly (NA) of Cambodia will always be open to discussions and cooperation with the EU Delegation to Cambodia, as well as meetings between the specialized committees of the European Parliament and the Cambodian NA to strengthen cooperation , exchange experiences and enhance cooperation for mutual interests.

This was stated by Samdech Moha Rathsapheathika Thipadei KHUON Sudary, President of the Cambodian AN, when she received Igor DRIESMANS, EU Ambassador to Cambodia, at the AN Palace in Phnom Penh, on May 15.

The NA President highlighted Cambodia’s role as an active member both within ASEAN and within the Asia-Pacific framework, as well as a member of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) Agreement. . Thus, Cambodia can serve as a bridge to connect and consolidate cooperation between the EU, ASEAN and the Asia-Pacific region.

Samdech KHUON Sudary highly appreciated the relations and cooperation between Cambodia and the EU since the 1990s and thanked the EU for its technical
and financial assistance to Cambodia so far, especially the support for the Joint European Strategy Cambodia Development Cooperation Program of US$155 million (2021-2027), with a focus on green development and green employment, education and skills development, as well as governance.

The Cambodian NA President took the opportunity to reaffirm Cambodia’s support for the Global Gateway project, which focuses on “green education and digital work” and which will attract investments that will help Cambodia become a prosperous country and will benefit Cambodian youth.

For his part, Igor DRIESMANS congratulated Samdech KHUON Sudary for being elected president of the Cambodian AN and for being the first Cambodian woman to occupy such an important position.

Next June, Europe will elect a new parliament, he said, hoping that the European Parliament and the Cambodian NA will have better and deeper cooperation.

The two sides also exchanged views on current global challenges such as conflicts, geopolitical competition
, as well as public health challenges, climate change and epidemics, and recognized the importance of strengthening multilateralism based on rules and to promote international cooperation.