Cambodia News Gazette



Cambodia’s Zero-Snaring Campaign Phase II Ended With Fruitful Outcome: Official

Cambodia’s Zero-Snaring Campaign phase-2, in protected areas, has come to an end with fruitful outcome, a senior official said yesterday.

Ministry of Environment’s Secretary of State, Neth Pheaktra, said that, the Zero-Snaring Campaign phase-2, launched in March, relates to various targeted provinces in Cambodia, including Pursat, Kampong Speu, Koh Kong, Siem Reap, Pailin and Battambang.

“It has been a very fruitful campaign to safeguard our wildlife and biodiversity,” he said. “Although the Zero-Snaring Campaign phase-2 has ended, we still continue to urge wild meat lovers, to stop consumption, traders to stop trading, and snare setters to stop setting up snares in our protected areas.”

Pheaktra said, Cambodia is heading towards zero-snaring in protected areas, sustainable development and economic prosperity.

“I urge all people to be the ambassadors for wildlife, by saying no to bushmeat and all kinds of wildlife part products, and spreading knowledge about the importance of wildlife conservation to their friends, family, and communities,” he said.

Seng Teak, WWF-Cambodia country director, said, although the campaign is over, a mission to create a haven for wildlife has not yet been completed in the country.

“The Ministry of Environment and all partners will continue to work side by side, to monitor wildlife market in supporting the stop of poaching and illegal wildlife trafficking in Cambodia,” he said in a press statement.

“To ensure zero snares in forests and in protected areas, we need to design and implement large-scale alternative livelihood programmes, which can offer reliable local economies; by doing so, people will stay away from the dependency of forest and wildlife products,” he said.

The Zero-Snaring Campaign phase-1 from Mar to Sept, 2022, toured the six provinces of Stung Treng, Preah Vihear, Kratie, Mondulkiri, Kampong Thom and Ratanakiri

Source: Nam News Network