Cambodia News Gazette




PUTRAJAYA, The Action Plan of Religious Agencies for Muslims with Disabilities (PwD) 2024-2028 was launched today, serving as a guide and reference for the agencies involved in empowering the Muslim PwD community.

Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department (Religious Affairs) Datuk Dr Mohd Na’im Mokhtar said the first-ever plan is in line with the National PwD Policy, the Twelfth Malaysia Plan (12MP), and the spirit of the Sustainable Development Goals, which ensure that no one is left behind in receiving services provided by the government.

“We hope that with this action plan, all activities and programmes developed based on the five thrusts related to human well-being can be implemented effectively.

“This is to ensure that we can uphold ‘karamah insaniah’ (skills related to personal development and interpersonal skills),” he told reporters after launching the plan here today.

Mohd Na’im said the five-year plan was developed in 2020 by the Department of Islamic Development Malaysia (JAKIM).

The plan a
lso supports existing policies from the Ministry of Women, Family, and Community Development, namely the National PwD Policy and the National PwD Action Plan, Mohd Na’im said.

He also mentioned that the government aims to ensure that the PwD community is given privileges and treatment, particularly regarding their right to worship.

‘For instance, we often hear about the provision of facilities in mosques to encourage more PwDs to come to the mosque and gain more religious knowledge.

‘In terms of facilities in the courts, we want to provide amenities so that the PwD community can attain justice when filing their claims in the Syariah courts,’ he said.

He also urged that the Action Plan of Religious Agencies for Muslims with Disabilities be used consistently by the Islamic councils and departments in each state so that more PwDs can benefit from it.

The Action Plan of Religious Agencies for Muslim PwD 2024-2028 outlines five thrusts, 12 strategies, and 39 programmes. The five thrusts are: strengthening dak
wah for PwDs for the well-being of the ummah, enhancing research and innovation towards improving the lives of PwDs, and empowering Islamic education for PwDs for sustainable quality of life.

The fourth and fifth thrusts are reinforcing Islamic family institutions among PwDs to foster a harmonious generation, and enhancing the support system for PwDs towards creating a caring society.

Meanwhile, Mohd Na’im said all discussions or debates regarding the Mufti (Federal Territories) Bill 2024 should be based on facts and knowledge, not emotions.

The Mufti (Federal Territories) Bill 2024 is among three bills related to Islamic affairs that were tabled for the first reading in the Dewan Rakyat last Tuesday.

Source: BERNAMA News Agency