PETALING JAYA: The Ministry of Entrepreneur Development and Cooperatives (KUSKOP), through the Cooperative Societies Commission of Malaysia (SKM), has allocated incentives totalling RM1,044,000 for cooperatives appointed as operators of the Jualan MADANI Koperasi (JMK) porgramme for consumers.

Deputy Minister Datuk Ramanan Ramakrishnan said that 36 JMK programmes had been conducted in 19 parliamentary constituencies nationwide from January to June 7.

“JMK has benefited 90,535 consumers, including cooperative members and the local community.

“This programme has also recorded total sales of RM3.6 million through 95 cooperatives appointed as sales operators,” he told a press conference after a walkabout at the JMK programme organised by SKM in conjunction with the Hari Raya Aidiladha celebration in Kota Damansara here today.

Also present was SKM Executive Chairman Rusli Jaafar.

Ramanan also handed over contributions from the Cooperative Emergency Assistance Fund (TBKK) to cooperatives affected by natural di
sasters during the programme.

He said the assistance covers part of the costs of repairing damages to premises, assets, or replacing cooperatives’ products.

“To date, 11 applications have been approved under TBKK, involving an allocation of RM197,000 for the whole of Malaysia,” he said.

Source: BERNAMA News Agency