Cambodia News Gazette




KUANTAN, The Ministry of Education (MOE) is committed to promoting nutritious and balanced eating habits among five million pupils in 10,232 schools nationwide to build a healthy society in line with the MADANI government’s goals.

Educational Resources and Technology Division director Zainal Abas said the ministry views healthy eating habits seriously, following the food pyramid guidelines set by the Ministry of Health (MOH) because it is a crucial element in pupil growth.

During the school years, he said pupils are in a crucial growth phase, making it essential for them to have a balanced diet to obtain the necessary nutrients for their immune system and physical development.

“MOH has previously released data such as obesity rates and stunted growth in pupils, all of which are closely related to diet. We want not only pupils but also their teachers and parents to be aware that nutrition is based on energy needs and the correct food groups.

“For this reason, MOE launched the Healthy Eating Campaign today
as another programme supporting healthy lifestyle practices previously undertaken by the ministry, and we will intensify these efforts nationwide,” he said when launching the national-level campaign at Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan (SMK) Bukit Rangin here today.

To ensure its effectiveness, he said that MOE has planned various programmes throughout the year that contribute to proactive living, which will also involve parents, considering that students spend more time with their families than at school.

“We know that nutrition alone is not sufficient, and therefore, the ministry has designed various programmes in terms of sports activities and outdoor classroom activities to keep students active.

“Practising a healthy lifestyle from an early age can prevent them from developing high blood pressure, diabetes, or NCDs (non-communicable diseases), thereby creating a productive and prosperous society,” he added.

Source: BERNAMA News Agency