Cambodia News Gazette




The Department of Wildlife and National Parks of Peninsular Malaysia (Perhilitan) captured four wild elephants in an operation in Kampung Peralla 1, here on June 14.

Perhilitan Kelantan director Mohamad Hafid Rohani said the department had received complaints from residents about a herd of elephants that often wandered into their villages and fed on oil palm leaves.

“Inspections revealed that 10 wild elephants often wandered into in the rubber smallholdings. As a result, two adult female elephants and two calves were captured with a tranquilliser gun.

“We found out that the wild elephants are from ID Tapis living in Air Satan Forest Reserve and Jedok Forest Reserve,” he said in a statement today.

Mohamad Hafid said the elephants frequently entered several surrounding villages such as Kampung Peralla, Air Berdang, Air Kerla, Bukit Pauh, Bukit Durian, Kelisar and Kampung Lepan Bola.

The agricultural produce destroyed by this group of wild elephants were oil palm fruits, coconuts, rubber and banana trees worth an estimated RM150,000.

“The four wild elephants will be relocated to their original habitat far away from human settlements. The relocation operation will be carried out soon by the National Elephant Sanctuary in Lanchang, Pahang,” Mohamad Hafid said.

Source: BERNAMA News Agency