Cambodia News Gazette



PM Reminds Significance of Vocational Skills

Prime Minister Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen has once again reminded the public to pay attention to vocational skills.

Addressing here this morning at the graduation ceremony for nearly 2,000 students of Human Resource University, Samdech Techo Hun Sen said over the world not everyone is a business owner.

“Don’t underestimate vocational skills as they are very important for your career path. Don’t forget that in this world not everyone is a boss,” the Premier said, underlining that the Royal Government is committed to providing right vocational skills for the people so as to achieve its goal of knowledge economy.

Samdech Techo Hun Sen also reiterated the Royal Government’s plan to provide vocational training for 1.5 million youth from poor families and asked the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports to work with the Ministry of Economy and Finance and the Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training to work on this plan.

Of the 1.5 million targeted youth, 2 to 4 percent will be trained with “ancestral skills” such as weaving, sculpting, painting, and so on, he said, adding that their training will be under the management of the Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts.

Major state technical and vocational education and training institutions include the National Polytechnic Institute of Cambodia (NPIC), the National Institute of Business (NIB), National Technical Training Institute (NTTI), Preah Kossomak Polytechnic Institute (PPI), etc.

Source: Agency Kampuchea Press