Cambodia News Gazette




KUALA LUMPUR, Programmes to increase community awareness on the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) need to be improved so that the technology can be used positively and responsibly, a technology influencer shared on Bernama TV today.

Adil Hidayat Rosli, who was a guest on Bernama TV’s ‘Apa Khabar Malaysia’ programme said the government is providing various AI initiatives which should be fully utilised.

‘Perhaps, we can further heighten awareness to encourage the use and acceptance of AI in a positive way,’ he said.

The government’s commitment to fostering the AI ??ecosystem is clearly seen through various initiatives such as ‘AI Untuk Rakyat’, which aims to increase public awareness of this technology, as well as the AI ??Sandbox 2024, which aims to create 900 AI startups and develop 13,000 new talents by 2026.

On May 10, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim launched three additional initiatives, namely the AI ??Talent Roadmap for Malaysia 2024-2030, the Faculty of AI (FAI) at Universiti Teknologi Mal
aysia and the Malaysian AI Consortium (MAIC).

Adil, who brands himself as a ‘Pendakwah Teknologi’ on social media, preaches that AI can help find information more easily, but it can also reduce the ability of humans to think creatively and analytically if misused.

He reminded parents to ensure that children refrain from using AI to get answers the easy way because it can rob them of the true learning process.

‘We need to understand that every student has to go through the learning process. They should realise that making mistakes is part of the process,’ he added.

Source: BERNAMA News Agency