Cambodia News Gazette



SOC Organises 2021 National Competition for Intellectually Impaired Athletes

AKP Phnom Penh, Special Olympic Cambodia (SOC) has organised the National Intellectually Impaired Athletes Competition 2021.

The competition took place here in Phnom Penh on Dec. 5 with an aim to provide opportunities for intellectually impaired athletes throughout the country to take part in sport activities and share experience to develop physical fitness and mental health.

Dr. Meas Sarin, Permanent Deputy President of SOC, underlined that the SOC is responsible for the development of sports movement for the mentally retarded athletes across Cambodia through training.

National Intellectually Impaired Competition 2021 was organised not only for the success of the athletes, but also for networking and solidarity, according to Mr. Khlaing Chanthou, Secretary General of SOC.

Source: Agency Kampuchea Press