Brussels Police Clash with Anti-Vaccination Protesters

Police in Brussels fired water cannon and clouds of tear gas at 50,000 protesters demonstrating Sunday against COVID-19 vaccinations and restrictions European authorities are imposing to try to contain the fast-spreading omicron variant of the coronavirus.
Some of the protesters came from France, Germany and other countries, shouting “Liberty!” as they marched through the headquarters city of the European Union. Videos showed some black-clad protesters attacking a building used by the EU’s diplomatic service, hurling projectiles at its entrance and smashing windows.
Anti-vaccination demonstrators also marched in Barcelona, following protests in other European capitals on Saturday against vaccine passports and other requirements that national governments have imposed as daily coronavirus infections and hospitalizations surge because of the omicron strain.
In Brussels, white-helmeted riot police riot repeatedly charged after protesters who ignored instructions to disperse. Police water cannon trucks fired powerful jets and tear gas filled the air in the Belgian capital.
A protest leader yelled over a loudspeaker, “Come on people! Don’t let them take away your rights!”
Nearly 77% of Belgium’s total population have been fully vaccinated, and 53% have had a booster dose, according to the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control. Belgium has recorded more than 28,700 virus deaths in the pandemic.
Several thousand anti-vaccination mandate protesters marched in Washington along the National Mall. In the United States, the Supreme Court recently rejected a vaccination mandate President Joe Biden tried to impose on 84 million workers employed at large businesses but let stand a narrower mandatory vaccination order affecting 17 million hospital health care workers.
Biden’s chief medical adviser, Dr. Anthony Fauci, told ABC’s “This Week” show that the number of omicron cases in the U.S. has started to recede.
“Things are looking good,” he said. “I don’t want to be overconfident, but (the falling number of the coronavirus cases are) headed in the right direction.”
The Europe protests have been targeting new restrictions imposed by some governments. Protesters in Stockholm demonstrated Saturday against the vaccine passes needed to go to indoor sites where 50 or more people are congregated.
Protesters took to the streets of Paris to demonstrate against the new COVID pass, set to go into effect Monday, that will curtail the activities of the unvaccinated, restricting their ability to travel and go to entertainment sites, including bars, movie theaters and sports events.
Demonstrators in Helsinki protested the vaccination passes that can be required to enter restaurants and other venues. The protesters in Finland’s capital also demonstrated against the Finnish government’s move giving local and regional authorities the ability to enact wide-ranging measures to combat the omicron variant.
The Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center in the U.S. reported Sunday that worldwide it has recorded 350 million COVID infections and 5.6 million deaths. The center said nearly 10 billion COVID vaccine shots have been administered.

Source: Voice of America

Comoros Loses Both Goalkeepers as COVID Sweeps Through Squad

Comoros, the surprise package of the Africa Cup of Nations, is struggling to put a team together for their last-16 game against host nation Cameroon after 12 players and management tested positive for COVID-19, their federation announced Saturday.
The 12 positive tests include both of the Coelacanths’ fit goalkeepers, with the third goalkeeper, Salim Ben Boina already injured. Comoros is due to face Cameroon on Monday.
“The Coelacanths affected by COVID … include coach Amir Abdou, our only two goalkeepers, Moyadh Ousseini and Ali Ahamada,” the federation tweeted two days before a historic match for the Comoros who qualified for the last 16 in their first appearance at the tournament.
In a video posted on the account, general manager El Hadad Hamidi also named five outfield players who have tested positive: midfielders Nakibou Aboubakari, Yacine Bourhane, striker Mohamed M’Changama and defenders Kassim Abdallah and Alexis Souahy.
With no goalkeepers currently available for the game, the Comoros are in serious trouble.
Confederation of African Football rules for the tournament dictate that teams must play games as long as at least 11 players test negative for the coronavirus.
If no goalkeeper is available, an outfield player must stand in.
“We are trying to do everything in our power to find alternative solutions” but “without the coach, without major players and especially without our only two goalkeepers who remained, the situation is quite complicated,” admitted Hamidi.
The Comoros, representing a tiny island nation off the southeast coast of Africa, snatched their qualification to everyone’s surprise by beating Ghana 3-2 and advancing as one of the best third-placed sides.

Source: Voice of America

COVID-19: 26 More Omicron Cases Detected in Cambodia

Cambodia detected 26 new cases of COVID-19, said a press release of the Ministry of Health made public this morning, adding that they are all Omicron cases.
Of the new infections, it pointed out, 5 were imported and 21 were locally transmitted. The COVID-19 tally in the Kingdom now increased to 121,026, including 573 Omicron cases (189 Omicron community cases).
Besides, 18 more recovered patients have been recorded, while there has been zero new COVID-19-related death for 18 days in a row; the total cured and death cases stood at 117,213 and 3,015, respectively.
The first COVID-19 case was reported in Cambodia in late January 2020 in Preah Sihanouk province.

Source: Agency Kampuchea Press