ROMPIN, One more person involved in an accident involving a bus and a trailer lorry on Jalan Kuantan-Segamat near Bahau junction early today, has died of his injuries, raising the death toll to three, according to police.

Rompin district police chief DSP Nor Azman Yusof said the third victim was identified as Hamzah Ahmad, 60, a school employee, who was receiving treatment at Tengku Ampuan Afzan Hospital (HTAA), Kuantan.

‘Earlier, the two victims were reportedly killed – second driver of the bus, identified as Hadi Asyraf Mad Idris, 29, and a teacher, Hasnatul Adilah Hassan, 48, – while the trailer driver escaped uninjured,’ he said when contacted here.

In the 1 am incident, a bus ferrying 39 passengers including two drivers, went out of control, hit the lorry laden with iron coils and overturned.

Nor Azman reportedly said that the bus was ferrying teachers from Sekolah Kebangsaan Jeram Masjid Tanah, Melaka, along with their children, to Terengganu to attend a benchmarking programme.

The other 36 injure
d victims are being treated at Muadzam Shah Hospital, Rompin Hospital and HTAA.

Meanwhile, a check by Bernama found that family members of Mohd Adi and Hasnatul Adilah were also at the scene of the incident before they went to Muadzam Shah Hospital’s Forensic Unit for the process of managing the victims’ remains.

Source: BERNAMA News Agency


KOTA KINABALU, The construction of six tube wells at Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) has been fully completed, and will serve as an alternative to address the issue of water supply disruption at the university, said Deputy Higher Education Minister Datuk Mustapha Sakmud.

He said the construction of tube wells used an allocation of RM3 million from the Prime Minister’s Office and admitted that the project was delayed due to some changes, especially in the design aspect.

‘However, I would like to announce that all six tube wells are fully completed. I would also like to emphasise that this is only as an alternative if the water source from the Sabah Water Department (JANS) experiences disruption.

‘If the water supply from JANS is insufficient, then the tube wells will be used. The concept is the same as a generator. When the electricity supply is cut off, the generator will be used,” he told reporters, after inspecting the UMS tube well project here today.

Mustapha said the six tube wells are capable of pr
oducing up to one million litres of water a day, and according to him, several tanks have also been installed around the residences, to store supplies.

The Sepanggar Member of Parliament added that the issue of water supply disruption at UMS has been going on for quite some time, following the rapid development in the surrounding area, including the construction of the Pan Borneo Highway, in addition to the water capacity at the Telibong and Moyog water treatment plants not increasing, which caused the problem to worsen.

‘However, we are trying to ensure that the water supply is sufficient, because we do not want the students to be distrupted, especially at exam time,’ he said, adding that the ministry always interacted with JANS in an effort to address the water supply issue in the area.

Mustapha also proposed that UMS hold an engagement session with its students, as a platform to channel accurate information related to the issue.

UMS water supply needs are very high, at between three and five million li
tres per day, with a total of 20,000 users, including 16,000 students.

Source: BERNAMA News Agency


GUA MUSANG, The Prime Minister’s Department (Religious Affairs) has allocated RM400,000 to Yayasan Dakwah Islamiah Malaysia (Yadim) this year to strengthen the efforts to propagate Islam to the people in the state, including the Orang Asli and protect their welfare.

State Yadim director Mahadi Awang said various initiatives are being carried out by the foundation, including meeting their needs in education, welfare, and social aspects.

He said Yadim had been continuously striving to fulfil the aspirations of the Unity Government in addressing the needs and welfare of rural communities.

Mahadi said two weeks ago, Yadim reconnected with the Orang Asli community at Pos Pasik to increase their appreciation of Islam.

‘We need to consistently visit the rural villages within a year, not just two or three times, to establish good relations with the community,’ he told reporters at the Ziarah Mahabbah programme involving the Mendriq Orang Asli tribe in Kampung Kuala Lah, here today.

According to Mahadi, Yadim sh
ould be more proactive in helping rural communities and engage directly with them so that the programmes planned in their interest will achieve the objectives.

‘The allocation provided this year will help us further expand the propagation efforts among Orang Asli folk and those living in the outskirts.

‘Yadim also provides contributions of daily necessities such as the Bakul Rahmah or Bakul MADANI during each of its visits to rural areas,’ he added.

Source: BERNAMA News Agency


MAKKAH: Hajj is not just visiting Baitullah in the months of Hajj to perform certain acts of worship, but it has a wider meaning and needs to be understood and appreciated by all pilgrims.

Tabung Haji consultant Associate Professor Dr Anhar Opir said the fifth pillar of Islam can have an impact and form better morals if a person understands the meaning behind each pillar as well as the obligatory things that are carried out while performing the worship.

“Let’s take one of the examples of the things that need to be done in the Hajj, which is the taboo when wearing ihram, if we break it then we will be punished. But some are afraid to perform Hajj or Umrah because of that word.

“Actually, if this matter is understood, the Hajj helps a person to become more moral and disciplined, because when wearing ihram, a person cannot hunt animals, cannot pluck fur, cannot wear men’s sewn clothes and so on.

“This means that in our daily lives, there are boundaries for every act we want to do,” said the Mufti of Selangor
to media personnel at the Tabung Haji Headquarters here recently.

He said that a person in the congregation should also be wise to grab as many rewards and favours as long as he is in the Holy Land, not only by performing specific acts of worship but also by doing small acts including helping people, giving alms, and even greeting others.

At the same time, he also reminded every pilgrim to instill patience in facing the sea of people and discomfort, especially during the peak days of the pilgrimage in Masyair later.

“Hajj and life require effort and patience. We have to guard our mouths, as commanded by Allah SWT that ‘Whoever obligates himself to perform Hajj and Ihram, then do not say obscene words, do not commit immorality, do not argue, anger people or lose patience.

“With a total of three million Muslims, everyone gathers to worship in the same place. This should make us more enthusiastic about the fraternity and patience with others because this is the greatest finality of Muslims.

“If we fail to b
e tolerant and are still selfish, it means we fail to appreciate the spirit of the Hajj itself,” he said.

Source: BERNAMA News Agency


KOTA BHARU, The integration level among Malaysians is strong, with the National Unity Index (IPNas) consistently improving each year, National Unity Ministry secretary-general Datuk Azman Mohd Yusof said.

He said this shows the success of the ministry’s programmes and initiatives, which have fostered a strong understanding and unity among the country’s diverse ethnic groups.

Drawing from the encouraging feedback, Azman said the ministry aims to raise the IPNas to 0.7 per cent through a study scheduled for this year, a notable increase from the previous year’s 0.6 per cent.

“The ministry has implemented various programmes and initiatives to strengthen community unity, including the Jejak Harmoni programme, which fosters religious understanding and cooperation with leaders from various ethnic groups.

“Through this programme, we discuss activities to promote mutual respect for each other’s religions and educate the public about unity. Our goal is to foster understanding without crossing any boundaries,” he
told reporters at the National Unity Week closing ceremony in Kelantan here today.

Elaborating, Azman acknowledged that there are individuals or groups attempting to incite or provoke racial sensitivities, particularly on social media, often due to their misunderstanding of government policies.

“We have established the e-Sepakat system at the ministry to receive complaints, including those on sensitive issues and the 3Rs (race, religion and royalty),” he said.

Recognising that relying solely on the system is inadequate, they also engage in outreach and education at the community level.

“Through this system, we’ve received 47 complaints thus far and each month, we report these issues or complaints to the Cabinet,” he said.

Azman assured that the situation is currently under control, and the ministry collaborates with various agencies and enforcement bodies on national unity issues.

Source: BERNAMA News Agency