NIBONG TEBAL, The Education Ministry (MOE) is investigating the case of a schoolgirl being bullied in Kerian district Perak, its minister Fadhlina Sidek said.

The case has also been handed to the authorities for further investigation before action is taken.

‘The case is our priority and the ministry’s commitment is to tackle bullying in schools through setting regulations and improving guidelines so that cases like this can be avoided.

‘I would like to remind parents, community and the children to not be involved in bullying,’ she told reporters after visiting the Sungai Bakap by-election media centre at the Rakan Muda Complex in Jawi here tonight.

A video recording of a schoolgirl, 13, being slapped repeatedly by two other schoolgirls, 15, had gone viral recently, prompting an investigation by police that revealed that the incident occurred on July 14 due to jealousy by one of the bullies who felt the victim was too close to her boyfriend.

Perak police chief Datuk Seri Mohd Yusri Hassan Basri confirmed
that the victim lodged a police report today, adding that the case is being investigated under Section 323 of the Penal Code.

Source: BERNAMA News Agency


KUALA LUMPUR, The Home Ministry is committed to elevating the country’s ranking to Tier 1 in the United States Department of State’s Trafficking in Persons Report, including through improvements in the legal sector.

Home Minister Datuk Seri Saifuddin Nasution Ismail said two other key areas, capacity building and inter-agency cooperation, have also been identified towards achieving this goal.

Welcoming Malaysia’s progress to Tier 2 after being on the watchlist last year, he acknowledged that the report still identified several areas needing full compliance.

‘This commitment aims to generate significant initiatives grounded in legal principles, enforcement, protection and prevention across stakeholder functions, enhancing efforts to combat human trafficking in Malaysia,’ he said.

Saifuddin Nasution was speaking at a press conference after officiating at the 40th annual general meeting of the Retired Senior Police Officers’ Association (RESPA) here today, also attended by Inspector-General of Police Tan Sr
i Razarudin Husain and RESPA president Datuk Meor Chek Hussien Mahayuddin.

Malaysia’s latest position at Tier 2 in the report was announced in Washington yesterday.

Saifuddin Nasution said achieving Tier 1 status would bring numerous benefits, including alleviating concerns about potential export restrictions.

Earlier, Saifuddin announced a grant of RM60,000 to support RESPA’s programmes.

‘We prioritise the welfare of all members as a sign of appreciation for RESPA’s excellent work. One of the most impactful activities is visiting ailing members, from all communities,’ he said.

Source: BERNAMA News Agency


KUCHING, The Ministry of Entrepreneur and Cooperatives Development (KUSKOP) is providing more than RM8 million to implement the Tamu Desa Project in Sarawak, starting this year.

Its minister, Datuk Ewon Benedick, said RM1.995 million of the amount has been allocated for the first phase and RM7 million for the second phase, with 13 Tamu Desa sites identified in Sarawak to be upgraded under the first phase.

“The Tamu Desa project aims to provide or upgrade a hawker’s business space or business centre with a more conducive infrastructure and provide more effective marketing access to sales products,” he said.

In a statement after chairing the Sarawak District Level Entrepreneurs, Cooperatives, Hawkers and Small Traders Development Meeting (MPUKPPD), here today, he said this project will further increase business opportunities as well as new jobs for local residents.

According to him, the Ministry of Finance has approved a one-off allocation of RM10 million to KUSKOP for the implementation of the Tamu Desa P
roject this year in Sabah and Sarawak.

“For the first phase, the ministry allocated RM1.995 million to Sarawak and RM7 million to Sabah, while for the second phase, Sarawak will receive a larger allocation than Sabah which is RM7 million,” he said.

Besides the Tamu Desa Project, Ewon said the meeting also discussed the implementation of the MPUKPPD which was implemented on a pilot basis in the districts of Sabah last year and this year, KUSKOP intends to expand the implementation in other states.

“This year, KUSKOP is planning the implementation of MPUKPPD in Sarawak and several states in the peninsula. The ministry is confident that it (MPUKPPD) can help entrepreneurs, cooperatives and small traders to develop the local economy through products or services provided by KUSKOP and agencies under its ambit including relevant state and federal government agencies.

“Subsequently, (it will) bridge the gap and increase cooperation between entrepreneurs, cooperatives, hawkers and small traders, local leaders, as
well as departments and agencies at the district level,” he said.

Meanwhile, Sarawak Deputy Minister of Youth, Sports and Entrepreneur Development Datuk Dr Ripin Lamat welcomed the efforts and commitment of the federal government through KUSKOP to help Sarawak entrepreneurs especially in terms of providing more conducive infrastructure.

“We appreciate the provision of allocations for the Tamu Desa Project in Sarawak and will strive to ensure that the implementation runs smoothly for the benefit of the target group,” he said.

Source: BERNAMA News Agency


KUALA LUMPUR, The Malaysian government has welcomed the recent upgrade of Malaysia to Tier 2 in the United States 2024 Trafficking in Persons (TIP) Report.

In a statement on Tuesday, Foreign Minister Datuk Seri Mohamad Hasan said this significant acknowledgement reflects the substantial progress made by Malaysia in its efforts to combat human trafficking.

Mohamad highlighted the advancements that contributed to this upgrade, which includes an increased number of investigations into trafficking cases and intensified prosecution efforts resulting in more convictions with significant sentences.

He said there is also an increase in trafficking-specialist prosecutors and an increase in funding for victim shelters and enhanced public awareness programmes.

‘Malaysia will continue to undertake serious actions to combat this heinous crime and address the challenges arising from TIP issues,’ read the statement.

The minister emphasised the vigorous implementation of the National Action Plan on Anti-Trafficking in
Persons (2021-2025) (NAPTIP 3.0), which outlines Malaysia’s strategic approach to tackling human trafficking.

Mohamad also called upon international partners to work together in tackling common challenges in this issue.

He calls upon countries of origin to shoulder greater responsibilities in preventing their citizens from becoming potential trafficking victims, as well as prosecuting and penalising the perpetrators in the country of origin.

Malaysia’s elevation to Tier 2 in the US 2024 TIP Report marks a significant milestone in the country’s ongoing efforts to combat human trafficking.

The TIP Report, an annual publication by the US Department of State, ranks countries based on their efforts to meet the minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking as outlined in the Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA).

Source: BERNAMA News Agency


LANGKAWI, The Malaysia Design Council (MRM) hopes to set up a sustainable ecosystem in the design industry via environmental, social and governance (ESG) principles.

Its chairman, Junady Nawawi said the delegates attending the five-day Asia Design Sharing (ADS) 2024, currently taking place till this Friday here, would be able to share expertise and views on how the ESG principles could be instilled into administration and ensure a sustainable and prosperous future for generations to come.

‘Delegates (design professionals) from five countries – Malaysia, Korea, the Philippines, Thailand and Indonesia are part of the ADS this year, while new members from Vietnam and Singapore have been unable to attend the seminar session this time.

“They get to share their knowledge with design professions from five Asian countries who attended this yearly seminar under the ADS platform,’ he told Bernama here today, adding that a council member meeting today was holding a draw to determine the host the next seminar session

He also shared that various topics and issues based on ‘Empowering ESG Through Design’ were discussed, and opportunities to foster partnerships via the ADS platform were also explored.

MRM also hoped that the next ADS would be held in the country next year as Malaysia would chair the ASEAN Summit 2025, Junady said.

“As hosts, MRM hopes that the government will consider and support ADS 2025 be held here,’ he said.

MRM is an agency under the Investment, Trade and Industry Ministry set up in 1993, and acts as a think tank and programme advisors to spur expertise, capabilities and standards in the national design industry.

Source: BERNAMA News Agency