KUALA LUMPUR, Communications Minister Fahmi Fadzil has extended his condolences to the family of local poet and actor Mohd Supyan Abdul Rahman, 66, who was better known as Pyanhabib, who died at his home in Hulu Kelang tonight.

Fahmi said Pyanhabib was a highly respected poet, writer, actor and artist beloved by all who knew him.

‘At the start of my journey as an art enthusiast, I always waited for his poetry recitals. The last time we worked together was for a cameo in the Malaysia MADANI video featuring Bunkface last year,’ he posted on X tonight, adding that Pyanhabib’s loss would be keenly felt by local artists.

‘May you rest well in the eternal land. My condolences to his family over their loss,’ he said.

Born in Taiping, Perak on May 27, 1958, Pyanhabib was also known for his performances in the films ‘Kembara Seniman Jalanan’, ‘Tsu-Feh Sofiah’, ‘Tak Kisahlah Beb’ and ‘Rock Oo’.

Source: BERNAMA News Agency


KUALA LUMPUR, Allergic diseases cost between 1,823 euros and 6,656 euros per patient annually if only consider the direct costs derived from healthcare, according to a study of the data collected via the European HEAD registry promoted by the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI). (1 euro = RM5.11)

According to EAACI in a statement, the HEAD registry was launched to describe patterns of care for allergic diseases and asthma and to assess their impact on costs, both financial and personal.

On average, adult patients lost between 2.68 and 5.33 days of work, children between 14.88 and 24.09 days of school and their families between 3.99 and 23.35 days.

The HEAD registry, with nearly 800 patients, serves to evaluate the economic and social impact of allergies at a European level.

‘Allergic diseases and asthma are among the most common chronic diseases worldwide and account for a considerable global health burden. However, their real impact is difficult to estimate due to the lack of rep
resentativeness and incompleteness of the available data.

‘The significant burden of allergic diseases, according to this research, calls for immediate action to improve their management. Treatments advised by EAACI guidelines can improve outcomes, but global clean air measures are needed to make a significant impact,’ said Dr Ioana Agache, who chairs EAACI’s Research and Outreach Committee (ROC).

Discussion on how to facilitate the translation of trial and research results into routine clinical practice, was also one of the topics covered at the recent EAACI Congress, which was held at the Feria de Valencia until June 3.

Source: BERNAMA News Agency


KUALA LUMPUR, The Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC), with the support of the Digital and Finance ministries, recently introduced an innovative tax incentive scheme for Malaysia Digital (MD) companies.

In a statement, MDEC said the new scheme offers a range of benefits for digital companies leveraging technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), cybersecurity, blockchain, advanced connectivity networks and cutting-edge telecommunications technology.

It said eligible companies could benefit from competitive corporate income tax rate reductions on both intellectual property (IP) and non-IP income, as well as an Investment Tax Allowance (ITA) for capital-intensive service activities.

‘This flexible scheme structure allows companies to enjoy tax incentives based on their set commitments, thereby fostering growth in high-value activities and rewarding performance,’ the statement read.

It also said that the scheme provides tax incentives for eligible companies in two categories: New Investment I
ncentive and Expansion Incentive.

MDEC said companies under the new investment category can enjoy a reduced tax rate (RTR) of 0 per cent on IP income and 5 per cent or 10 per cent on non-IP income for ten years.

On the other hand, companies in the expansion category can benefit from an RTR of 15 per cent for five years.

‘Alternatively, companies in both categories can opt for an ITA ranging from 30 per cent to 100 per cent for qualifying capital expenditure, which can be deducted up to 100 per cent from statutory income for five years,’ it said.

MDEC said this initiative aligns with the government’s commitment under Budget 2024 to introduce revenue-based tax incentives aimed at strengthening the economy by driving investment in high-growth and high-value sectors, fostering the creation of new economic clusters, and balancing growth with environmental, social and governance sustainability.

MDEC chief executive officer Mahadzir Aziz, in the statement, said the introduction of these tax incentives is in lin
e with current economic needs and international best practices, while also acting as a catalyst to bolster Malaysia’s position as a digital hub in ASEAN.

‘By attracting global talent and investment in high-growth sectors, we aim to create a thriving digital ecosystem, generate high-value jobs, boost research and development activities and integrate advanced technologies within the country,’ he said.

Source: BERNAMA News Agency


BACHOK, Malaysia still needs 200,000 tonnes of beef per year to meet the needs of the people, said Agriculture and Food Security Minister Datuk Seri Mohamad Sabu.

He said to meet the demand, the government aims to produce 100,000 tonnes of beef by 2030.

According to him, Malaysia still needs to import 80 per cent of meat to meet the people’s demand.

“The production of beef cattle in our country is still below 20 per cent equivalent to 47,000 tonnes and it is still a long way to go before we reach 100 per cent,” he told reporters after opening of HL Agro Farm KB Sdn Bhd with the farming community in Kampung Sri Kemunting, Gunong, here, today.

Mohamad said in order to reduce the import and dependence of beef from abroad in the future, the government will help increase the number of animal husbandry and production.

“Cooperation with the state government is important because the land belongs to the state government, such as the farms in Kelantan, Terengganu, Pahang and Johor. There is still a lot that can b
e cultivated.

“If everyone works together, we will be able to reach the target of 100 per cent in the near future, at least able to reach 50 per cent even though it is not easy to do,” he said.

Commenting further, Mohamad said the government also channeled allocations to farmers who had just started their business by providing assistance of about RM20,000 per person.

Meanwhile, he said his ministry has given assurances that the supply of sacrificial beef for the coming Hari Raya Aidiladha will be sufficient, including assurances that there will be no significant increase in the price of meat.

Source: BERNAMA News Agency


KOTA BHARU, The headmaster of a primary school died while a doctor suffered injuries in an accident at kilometre 71, Jalan Kota Bharu – Gua Musang, near here, this morning.

Kuala Krai police chief Supt Mazlan Mamat said a Perodua Myvi car driven by a 26-year-old doctor was heading to Tanah Merah from Gua Musang at 6.50am when the driver lost control and encrouched into the opposite lane before crashing into the Perodua Kelisa car driven by the 52-year-old headmaster.

‘Due to the impact and the severe injuries suffered during the accident, the headmaster died while receiving treatment at the Emergency Department of the Sultan Ismail Petra Hospital (HSIP) in Kuala Krai while the doctor who suffred injuries to his chest, is receiving treatment at HSIP.

‘The case is being investigated under Section 41(1) Road Transport Act 1987 and a thorough investigation will be carried out,’ he said in a statement today.

Mazlan urged anyone with information about the accident to contact the Kuala Krai Traffic Police depar
tment to asist investigations.

Source: BERNAMA News Agency