Cambodia News Gazette



Cambodia Emphasises Continued Commitment to Multipart Democracy

“Cambodia’s commitment to a multiparty democracy remains steadfast,” affirmed The Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation in a press statement.

The full press statement dated May 26 reads as follows:

“The Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation notes the multitude of discourses surrounding Cambodia’s political environment in the run-up to July’s national elections. The Spokesperson is obliged to make clarifications to rectify some narratives deemed misleading, unfounded, and politically biased.

1. To state that the Candlelight Party is precluded from participating in July’s national elections is incorrect. The fact is that the party itself did not scrupulously observe the electoral law despite repeated notifications and instructions from the competent authorities. Such failure to comply with the registration process is the responsibility of the party as an applicant.

2. The National Election Committee is responsible for enforcing the election process with one single standard based on the principles of fairness, equality, and due process as would any electoral governing body operating in other countries respecting the rule of law. If 18 other political parties could comply with the election registration process, fairness would dictate that non-compliant political parties should not be given special privileges. To do otherwise would be considered as a double standard. Khmer National Unity Party is another political party that did not meet the documentation obligation, but willingly accepted the decision of the authorities concerned.

3. Cambodia’s commitment to a multiparty democracy remains steadfast. Only when all political parties exercise their rights within the boundary of the law can a conducive electoral environment be guaranteed. Not all rights are absolute and a crime cannot be justified as a moral crusade for democracy and human rights. The absence of two political parties from the electoral process due to their non-compliance does not negate the liberal, pluralistic and democratic nature of the Kingdom.

4. As to the presence of election observers, Cambodia welcomes all interested stakeholders to come and witness the election process. As a sovereign state, the votes of the Cambodian people must be respected and this open invitation is a demonstration of Cambodia’s goodwill and openness to the outside world.”

Source: Agence Kampuchea Presse