Cambodia News Gazette



Cambodia-Thailand O’ Smach Border Checkpoint Reopened

The O’ Smach international border checkpoint at Cambodia’s province of Oddar Meanchey and Thailand’s province of Surin was reopened yesterday.

The reopening was made following a meeting between Oddar Meanchey Provincial Governor H.E. Pen Kosal and Surin Provincial Governor H.E. Suvapong Kitiphatpiboon, during which they agreed to reopen O’ Smach international border checkpoint to ease trade, tourism and people traffic between the two countries.

To be able to travel within Thailand, Cambodians need to have a passport, health insurance certificate and valid COVID-19 vaccination card.

For Cambodians who use a border pass to enter Thailand can stay in the country for three days if they have valid COVID-19 vaccination card.

H.E. Pen Kosal has noticed that Oddar Meanchey residents who do not have the border pass to travel to Thailand can apply for it right at the O’ Smach border checkpoint.

Due to COVID-19 threat, the O’ Smach international border checkpoint was closed for months.

Source: Agency Kampuchea Press