Cambodia News Gazette




MELAKA, The involvement of corporate entities in waqf (endowment) projects, managed by Yayasan Waqaf Malaysia (YWM) has increased, thereby contributing to empowering the country’s economic development.

The Department Waqf, Zakat and Hajj (JAWHAR) director-general Datuk Selamat Paigo said that it was due to the community’s awareness of the benefits of waqf, that the whole ummah can enjoy.

‘Waqf is a more powerful method than other instruments because this waqf can be used by all parties, which can not only be used by Muslims but includes non-Muslims as well.

‘Islam celebrates all communities, so the benefits from waqf can be used for the harmony of all in the country,” he told Bernama here, last night.

At the event, he also presented donations in conjunction with the Rantaian Kasih Iftar, which was also attended by YWM chief executive officer Dr Ridzwan Bakar.

A total of 113 orphans and children, from three charity homes, were feted in an iftar organised by YWM together with strategic partners, in additi
on to a total donation of RM46,300 distributed at the event.

Meanwhile, in his speech, Selamat said that in addition to empowering waqf in Malaysia, YWM also plays a role in looking after needy groups, such as asnaf, B40 and orphans, to ensure that they do not feel left out and can feel the community’s concern.

He said that the cooperation in organising the event was not only to strengthen the existing collaboration but also to further expand YWM’s cooperation network, especially in the corporate sector.

‘I always pray that the close cooperation which has been established will continue to be strong, and produce positive results and a sustainable impact in preserving the welfare and economic development of the community,’ he said.

Source: BERNAMA News Agency