Cambodia News Gazette



CSX’s Workshop Held to Enhance Listed Companies’ Corporate Disclosure

The Cambodia Securities Exchange (CSX) organized here today a training programme on “Corporate Disclosure and E-disclosure System Usage” aimed to promote understanding and enhance the effectiveness of corporate disclosure.

The workshop was presided over by H.E. Hong Sok Hour, Royal Government Delegate in charge as CEO of the CSX, accompanied by Mr. Kim Kyeonghack, Chief Operations Officer of the CSX, and disclosure officers from equities listed companies approximately 25 participants.

The training course aims to promote understanding and enhance the effectiveness of corporate disclosure by enhancing the capacity of disclosure officers, enabling them to better understand the importance of disclosing corporate disclosure to the public, and strengthen the basic principles of corporate disclosure including completeness, accuracy, truthfulness, and timeliness.

In his opening remarks, H.E. Hong Sok Hour emphasized that the obligation of corporate disclosure will enhance internal control by promoting transparenc
y and accountability which are the foundation that supports business growth while also promoting the well-beings of national society and the overall economy. ‘This training program will contribute to build the capacity of the disclosure officers from all equities listed companies, to enhance the quality of information dissemination and further strengthen the company’s reputation,’ he said.

CSX listed a total company up to 23, comprising 11 companies listed as equity securities and 12 more listed as corporate bonds. As of the January of this year, the listed companies collected some US$379 million from the market.

Launched in 2012, CSX is a joint venture between the Royal Government of Cambodia holding 55 percent of the stakes and the Korean Exchange owning the remaining 45 percent.

Source: Agence Kampuchea Presse