Cambodia News Gazette



Draft Code and Law on Natural Resource Management and Regional Trade Agreement Unanimously Approved by Senate

The Cambodian Senate has approved a draft Environment and Natural Resources Code and a draft law authorising ratification of the ASEAN Trade in Services Agreement.

The unanimous approval was made during the 10th session of 4th legislature of Senate held at here the Senate Palace this morning under the chairmanship of its President Samdech Vibol Sena Pheakdei Say Chhum.

Defended by H.E. Say Samal, Minister of Environment, the draft Environment and Natural Resources Code improved ambiguities and outdatedness of some legal provisions to address the emerging issues and better facilitate environment and natural resource management and development in Cambodia.

The draft law authorising ratification of the ASEAN Trade in Services Agreement was defended by H.E. Pan Sorasak, Minister of Commerce.

It aimed to strengthen economic connectivity, provide better opportunities for economic development, increase trade and investment, and secure broader market within the ASEAN Economic Community.

It also promotes regulatory cooperation, human resource development, and small and medium enterprises; and reduce the development gap between ASEAN member countries to achieve equality and sustainable socio-economic development.

The draft Environment and Natural Resources Code and the draft law authorising ratification of the ASEAN Trade in Services Agreement were adopted by the National Assembly on May 30 during its 9th session of 6th legislature.

Source: Agence Kampuchea Presse