Cambodia News Gazette




The Energy Comission (ST) has issued a reminder to the public to prioritise their safety when using electricity and gas appliances and equipment in the current flood season.

The commission also highlighted flood risks such as including fallen electricity poles, severed electricity cables and faulty electrical and gas appliances and shared some tips to ensure the safe use of such appliances before, during and after floods.

All electrical appliances should be stored in high ground safe from floodwaters, and the main switch of the unit’s electric distribution board should be turned off before evacuation, the commission said in a statement today.

Also all electric connections separate from the main switch, including solar photovoltaic systems, electric gates should be shut off, along with any gas pipes or gas cylinders to avoid any untoward incidents.

People should avoid going through areas with electric cables or electricity supply installations such as substations or switchrooms that might be flooded and not to touch any poles or structures that might conduct electricity to avoid electrocution, the commission said, adding that people should not try to move any fallen electricity poles or severed electricity cables, and instead report such incidents immediately to the electric utility company.

For the safe use of electrical and gas appliances post floods, the commission said that the main switch on the electric distribution board and all gas mains need to be in the off position before any cleaning work commenced and to ensure that all electrical appliances were in good and dry condition before switching on the main switch.

The commission also warned against using any electrical or gas appliance if people had any doubts regarding their safety and to obtain assistance from registered electricity or gas contractors.

Source: BERNAMA News Agency