Cambodia News Gazette



Government Raises Allowances for Mothers and Children

Becoming effective next month, the Royal Government has decided to increase financial support for mothers and small children from pregnancy and birth delivery until the child or children reach two years old.

The initiative was detailed in a government’s press release issued on July 4 aimed at ensuring an inclusive target leaving no one behind.

The new assistance scheme is applied for all women in the families with equity cards; female workers who are members of the National Social Security Fund (NSSF); and female government’s staff, contract staff, and interns.

According to Prime Minister Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen, pregnant women belong to the list above are entitled to four allowances of 80,000 Riel (about US$20) each before their child delivery.

During the child delivery, they are entitled to 400,000 Riel (around US$100) allowance and the amount will be multiplied accordingly if they deliver more than one child.

After the child delivery, the mother and child or children are entitled to ten more allowances of 80,000 Riel each wherein three of the allowances are provided when they refer themselves for post-delivery health check, and the rest seven allowances are handed over to them during the times they get their child or children vaccinated.

It is expected that the initiative will further address child malnutrition from their conception to their first 1,000 days of life to promote their physical and mental development.

Source: Agence Kampuchea Presse