Cambodia News Gazette



KOICA and Partners Discuss 2023 Consultation Meeting on KOICA Volunteer Programme

The Korean International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) Cambodia Office organised the 2023 Consultation Meeting on KOICA Volunteer Programme with its partner organisations.

The discussion was held on June 27 in Phnom Penh under the presidency of H.E. Im Sour, Deputy Secretary General of Cambodian Rehabilitation and Development Board of the Council for the Development of Cambodia (CRDB/CDC), Mrs. Shin Jung Yeon and Mr. Shin Young Hwa, Deputy Country Directors of the KOICA and its partners from at least 11 organisations.

According to a KOICA’s news release, the meeting aims to introduce the volunteer programme, and discuss various relevant topics including safety and security, volunteer regulation, small scale project support, and the competency of volunteer. It can promote mutual understanding and foster sustainable partnership between KOICA and each host organisation in order to provide long-term and greater contribution to the development in Cambodia.

In addition, the KOICA also selected the best partner organisation for 2023. The first organisation is the National Meanchey University and the second place is National University of Battambang.

Mr. Shin Young Hwa, Deputy Country Director in charge of the volunteer programme appreciated all partners who have contributed and shared a lot of inputs to the improvement of the programme. He added, the communication between the KOICA, host organisation and the volunteer is the best way to get a better solution when we have the problem.

The KOICA will listen carefully, and actively consider all the inputs and challenges in order to improve the implementation of its programme in Cambodia more effectively, he underlined.

Source: Agence Kampuchea Presse