Cambodia News Gazette




KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia has expressed deep concern and disappointment after a veto was exercised to block the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) from admitting Palestine as a full member of the United Nations on April 18.

In a statement issued by Malaysia’s Foreign Ministry on Friday, this came despite a clarion call from an overwhelming majority of UN-member states.

The ministry, widely known as Wisma Putra, said the exercise of a veto on this crucial matter has called into question the genuine desire on the part of the council member exercising it to realise the inalienable rights of the Palestinians.

This includes their right to self-determination from decades of Israel’s illegal and belligerent occupation of the Palestinian Territory of the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem since 1967.

‘Malaysia is deeply concerned and utterly disappointed that a veto has been exercised to block the UNSC from admitting Palestine as a full member of the UN,’ said Wisma Putra in a statement.

The United States on Th
ursday vetoed a resolution at the UNSC that was widely supported by other member states, which would have paved the way for the state of Palestine to gain full membership at the UN.

Twelve countries voted in favour of the resolution, which was brought up for a vote during an hours-long Security Council session in New York on Thursday, while two other countries – Britain and Switzerland – abstained.

Palestine has been a permanent observer at the UN since 2012.

An application to become a full UN member needs to be approved by the Security Council and at least two-thirds of the General Assembly.

Wisma Putra statement said Malaysia strongly urged the international community, including the Security Council to continue with efforts towards the admission of Palestine as a full member of the UN.

‘Malaysia remains committed to the Palestinian cause and will continue efforts towards the establishment of an independent and sovereign state of Palestine, based on the pre-1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capit
al,’ said Wisma Putra.

Source: BERNAMA News Agency