Cambodia News Gazette




The Malaysia Automotive, Robotics & IoT Institute (MARii) is developing an Organisation Anti-Corruption Plan (OACP) in partnership with the Integrity Institute of Malaysia (IIM), which will be completed this year.

MARii chief executive officer Azrul Reza Aziz said in a statement today that the plan will contain several initiatives to tackle corruption and bribery.

“The initiatives will emphasise on the governance and legal structure, procurement andd finance, human resource and operations,” he said after MARii signed the Corruption Free Pledge today to preserve integrity and prove the organisation’s intent to curb bribery and misuse of power.

A total of 82 MARii officers took and signed the pledge as a promise not only to MARii but also to the government as a sign of commitment to undertake the virtues to live a corruption-free lifestyle.

MARii chairman Datuk Phang Ah Tong officiated the ceremony, which was witnessed by Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) Community Education Division Asst Senior Commissioner Shamsul Salip in conjunction with the launch of the Whistleblowing and No Gift Policies.

Azrul Reza expressed hope that the strategic partnership between MARii and MACC would be strengthened in the future through awareness programmes and training to ensure the prosperity of the country and its people.

Source: BERNAMA News Agency